${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Parent ratings of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire : What is the optimum factor model? Wed 07 Apr 2021 14:02:09 AEST ]]> Recognizing internet addiction: Prevalence and relationship to academic achievement in adolescents enrolled in urban and rural Greek high schools  .05} and academic track high school students {F (1, 1642) = 5.30, p < .05} were at higher risk. An Internet Addiction Test score of 51 points (sample's mean = 27.69, SD = 17.38) was proposed as the optimal cut-off point combining high sensitivity (98%) and specificity (91%). Finally, findings illustrated the syndrome's relation to worse academic achievement {F (1, 1725) = 0.93, p > .05}.]]> Wed 07 Apr 2021 14:02:02 AEST ]]>