Your selections:
The frustrated career : Casual employment in higher education
- Gottschalk, Lorene, McEachern, Steven
‘Working together’ : Public libraries supporting rural, regional, and remote low-socioeconomic student success in partnership with universities
- Power, Emma, Partridge, Helen, Owen, Sue, Kelly, Kathryn, Jeffries, Sandra
What do we know about the chancellors of Australian universities?
- O'Meara, Bernard, Petzall, Stanley
The social characteristics and demographics of Australian Vice-Chancellors, 1960-2000
- O'Meara, Bernard, Petzall, Stanley
Student perceptions of podcasting to enhance learning and teaching in an information systems course
- Miller, Charlynn, Newnham, Leon
To registrate and/or deregistrate : Getting onto and off the postgraduate supervisor register
- Zeegers, Margaret, Barron, Deirdre
Drivers and patterns of early retirement in the neoliberal university
- Taylor, Philip, Gringart, Eyal, Webb, Eileen, Carnemolla, Phillippa, Drake, Deidre, Oppert, Michelle, Harvey, Robin
Not quite like a honeymoon : Charting the first 24 months of Sino- foreign educational programmes
- Willis, Mike, Kennedy, Rowan
The changing sociology of the Australian academic economics profession
Out of the frying pan : From casual teaching to temp work
How universities can make graduates employable with connections to industry
Stuttering, disability and the higher education sector in Australia
- Meredith, Grant, Packman, Ann, Marks, Genee
How important is the role of the chancellor in the appointment of Australian vice-chancellors and university governance?
- O'Meara, Bernard, Petzall, Stanley
10 Days in 2009 : An auto-ethnographical study of "Communical Resistance" taken by international students in Australia
Accounting's chaotic margins : Financial reporting of the library collections of Australia's public universities
- West, Brian, Carnegie, Garry
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