Anxiety online-A virtual clinic: Preliminary outcomes following completion of five fully automated treatment programs for anxiety disorders and symptoms
- Klein, Britt, Meyer, Denny, Austin, David, Kyrios, Michael
- Authors: Klein, Britt , Meyer, Denny , Austin, David , Kyrios, Michael
- Date: 2011
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Journal of Medical Internet Research Vol. 13, no. 4 (2011), p.
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- Description: Background: The development of e-mental health interventions to treat or prevent mental illness and to enhance wellbeing has risen rapidly over the past decade. This development assists the public in sidestepping some of the obstacles that are often encountered when trying to access traditional face-to-face mental health care services. Objective: The objective of our study was to investigate the posttreatment effectiveness of five fully automated self-help cognitive behavior e-therapy programs for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder with or without agoraphobia (PD/A), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and social anxiety disorder (SAD) offered to the international public via Anxiety Online, an open-access full-service virtual psychology clinic for anxiety disorders. Methods: We used a naturalistic participant choice, quasi-experimental design to evaluate each of the five Anxiety Online fully automated self-help e-therapy programs. Participants were required to have at least subclinical levels of one of the anxiety disorders to be offered the associated disorder-specific fully automated self-help e-therapy program. These programs are offered free of charge via Anxiety Online. Results: A total of 225 people self-selected one of the five e-therapy programs (GAD, n = 88; SAD, n = 50; PD/A, n = 40; PTSD, n = 30; OCD, n = 17) and completed their 12-week posttreatment assessment. Significant improvements were found on 21/25 measures across the five fully automated self-help programs. At postassessment we observed significant reductions on all five anxiety disorder clinical disorder severity ratings (Cohen d range 0.72-1.22), increased confidence in managing one's own mental health care (Cohen d range 0.70-1.17), and decreases in the total number of clinical diagnoses (except for the PD/A program, where a positive trend was found) (Cohen d range 0.45-1.08). In addition, we found significant improvements in quality of life for the GAD, OCD, PTSD, and SAD e-therapy programs (Cohen d range 0.11-0.96) and significant reductions relating to general psychological distress levels for the GAD, PD/A, and PTSD e-therapy programs (Cohen d range 0.23-1.16). Overall, treatment satisfaction was good across all five e-therapy programs, and posttreatment assessment completers reported using their e-therapy program an average of 395.60 (SD 272.2) minutes over the 12-week treatment period. Conclusions: Overall, all five fully automated self-help e-therapy programs appear to be delivering promising high-quality outcomes; however, the results require replication. © Britt Klein, Denny Meyer, David William Austin, Michael Kyrios.
- Authors: Klein, Britt , Meyer, Denny , Austin, David , Kyrios, Michael
- Date: 2011
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Journal of Medical Internet Research Vol. 13, no. 4 (2011), p.
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- Description: Background: The development of e-mental health interventions to treat or prevent mental illness and to enhance wellbeing has risen rapidly over the past decade. This development assists the public in sidestepping some of the obstacles that are often encountered when trying to access traditional face-to-face mental health care services. Objective: The objective of our study was to investigate the posttreatment effectiveness of five fully automated self-help cognitive behavior e-therapy programs for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder with or without agoraphobia (PD/A), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and social anxiety disorder (SAD) offered to the international public via Anxiety Online, an open-access full-service virtual psychology clinic for anxiety disorders. Methods: We used a naturalistic participant choice, quasi-experimental design to evaluate each of the five Anxiety Online fully automated self-help e-therapy programs. Participants were required to have at least subclinical levels of one of the anxiety disorders to be offered the associated disorder-specific fully automated self-help e-therapy program. These programs are offered free of charge via Anxiety Online. Results: A total of 225 people self-selected one of the five e-therapy programs (GAD, n = 88; SAD, n = 50; PD/A, n = 40; PTSD, n = 30; OCD, n = 17) and completed their 12-week posttreatment assessment. Significant improvements were found on 21/25 measures across the five fully automated self-help programs. At postassessment we observed significant reductions on all five anxiety disorder clinical disorder severity ratings (Cohen d range 0.72-1.22), increased confidence in managing one's own mental health care (Cohen d range 0.70-1.17), and decreases in the total number of clinical diagnoses (except for the PD/A program, where a positive trend was found) (Cohen d range 0.45-1.08). In addition, we found significant improvements in quality of life for the GAD, OCD, PTSD, and SAD e-therapy programs (Cohen d range 0.11-0.96) and significant reductions relating to general psychological distress levels for the GAD, PD/A, and PTSD e-therapy programs (Cohen d range 0.23-1.16). Overall, treatment satisfaction was good across all five e-therapy programs, and posttreatment assessment completers reported using their e-therapy program an average of 395.60 (SD 272.2) minutes over the 12-week treatment period. Conclusions: Overall, all five fully automated self-help e-therapy programs appear to be delivering promising high-quality outcomes; however, the results require replication. © Britt Klein, Denny Meyer, David William Austin, Michael Kyrios.
An Internet-based guided self-help intervention for panic symptoms: Randomized controlled trial
- Van Ballegooijen, Wouter, Riper, Heleen, Klein, Britt, Ebert, David, Kramer, Jeannet, Meulenbeek, Peter, Cuijpers, Pim
- Authors: Van Ballegooijen, Wouter , Riper, Heleen , Klein, Britt , Ebert, David , Kramer, Jeannet , Meulenbeek, Peter , Cuijpers, Pim
- Date: 2013
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Journal of Medical Internet Research Vol. 15, no. 7 (2013), p.
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- Description: Background: Internet-based guided self-help is efficacious for panic disorder, but it is not known whether such treatment is effective for milder panic symptoms as well. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of Don't Panic Online, an Internet-based self-help course for mild panic symptoms, which is based on cognitive behavioral principles and includes guidance by email. Methods: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial was conducted. Participants (N=126) were recruited from the general population and randomized to either the intervention group or to a waiting-list control group. Inclusion criteria were a Panic Disorder Severity Scale-Self Report (PDSS-SR) score between 5-15 and no suicide risk. Panic symptom severity was the primary outcome measure; secondary outcome measures were anxiety and depressive symptom severity. Measurements were conducted online and took place at baseline and 12 weeks after baseline (T1). At baseline, diagnoses were obtained by telephone interviews. Results: Analyses of covariance (intention-to-treat) showed no significant differences in panic symptom reduction between groups. Completers-only analyses revealed a moderate effect size in favor of the intervention group (Cohen's d=0.73, P=.01). Only 27% of the intervention group finished lesson 4 or more (out of 6). Nonresponse at T1 was high for the total sample (42.1%). Diagnostic interviews showed that many participants suffered from comorbid depression and anxiety disorders. Conclusions: The Internet-based guided self-help course appears to be ineffective for individuals with panic symptoms. However, intervention completers did derive clinical benefits from the intervention. © Wouter van Ballegooijen, Heleen Riper, Britt Klein, David Daniel Ebert, Jeannet Kramer, Peter Meulenbeek, Pim Cuijpers.
- Description: C1
- Authors: Van Ballegooijen, Wouter , Riper, Heleen , Klein, Britt , Ebert, David , Kramer, Jeannet , Meulenbeek, Peter , Cuijpers, Pim
- Date: 2013
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Journal of Medical Internet Research Vol. 15, no. 7 (2013), p.
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- Description: Background: Internet-based guided self-help is efficacious for panic disorder, but it is not known whether such treatment is effective for milder panic symptoms as well. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of Don't Panic Online, an Internet-based self-help course for mild panic symptoms, which is based on cognitive behavioral principles and includes guidance by email. Methods: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial was conducted. Participants (N=126) were recruited from the general population and randomized to either the intervention group or to a waiting-list control group. Inclusion criteria were a Panic Disorder Severity Scale-Self Report (PDSS-SR) score between 5-15 and no suicide risk. Panic symptom severity was the primary outcome measure; secondary outcome measures were anxiety and depressive symptom severity. Measurements were conducted online and took place at baseline and 12 weeks after baseline (T1). At baseline, diagnoses were obtained by telephone interviews. Results: Analyses of covariance (intention-to-treat) showed no significant differences in panic symptom reduction between groups. Completers-only analyses revealed a moderate effect size in favor of the intervention group (Cohen's d=0.73, P=.01). Only 27% of the intervention group finished lesson 4 or more (out of 6). Nonresponse at T1 was high for the total sample (42.1%). Diagnostic interviews showed that many participants suffered from comorbid depression and anxiety disorders. Conclusions: The Internet-based guided self-help course appears to be ineffective for individuals with panic symptoms. However, intervention completers did derive clinical benefits from the intervention. © Wouter van Ballegooijen, Heleen Riper, Britt Klein, David Daniel Ebert, Jeannet Kramer, Peter Meulenbeek, Pim Cuijpers.
- Description: C1
- Hadjistavropoulos, Heather, Thompson, Maureen, Ivanov, Max, Drost, Christina, Butz, Cory, Klein, Britt, Austin, David
- Authors: Hadjistavropoulos, Heather , Thompson, Maureen , Ivanov, Max , Drost, Christina , Butz, Cory , Klein, Britt , Austin, David
- Date: 2011
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Professional Psychology: Research and Practice Vol. 42, no. 6 (2011), p. 463-471
- Full Text: false
- Description: There is mounting evidence in clinical trials that therapist-assisted Internet cognitive behavior therapy (TAICBT) is efficacious in the treatment of depression and anxiety. Nevertheless, many clinical service providers (both individuals and organizations) question whether offering this form of treatment in clinical practice is feasible. As such, having information on the factors involved in the development of this service is essential. In this article, we describe the steps taken to develop a TAICBT service that registered professionals and students (under supervision) can use with clients suffering from symptoms of depression, generalized anxiety, and panic disorder. We share salient decisions made in developing this web application and the necessary unit policies and procedures. We also offer lessons learned and practical recommendations to providers who may want to translate this promising TAICBT research into practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)
Efficacy of internet therapy for panic disorder
- Klein, Britt, Richards, Jeffrey, Austin, David
- Authors: Klein, Britt , Richards, Jeffrey , Austin, David
- Date: 2006
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry Vol. 37, no. 3 (2006), p. 213-238
- Full Text: false
- Reviewed:
- Description: Fifty-five people with panic disorder (PD) were randomised to internet-based cognitive behavioural panic treatment (CBT) (with email contact), therapist-assisted CBT manual or information-only control (both with telephone contact). Both CBT treatments were more effective in reducing PD symptomatology, panic-related cognition, negative affect, and number of GP visits and improving physical health ratings. Internet treatment was more effective than CBT manual in reducing clinician-rated agoraphobia and number of GP visits at post-assessment. At follow-up, these effects were maintained for both CBT groups, with internet CBT better at improving physical health ratings and reducing GP visits. This study provides support for the efficacy of internet-based CBT. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
- Description: C1
A brief internet-based treatment for panic disorder
- Klein, Britt, Richards, Jeffrey
- Authors: Klein, Britt , Richards, Jeffrey
- Date: 2001
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy Vol. 29, no. 1 (2001), p. 113-117
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- Description: This study investigated the effectiveness of an Internet-based intervention for people with panic disorder. Twenty-two participants met criteria for panic disorder and were randomly assigned to either the treatment or a self-monitoring control condition. The study took place over 3 weeks and consisted of one week of self-monitoring prior to the intervention group accessing the program for one week, followed by one week of post-intervention assessment. Participants were assessed on measures pertaining to panic, negative affect, body vigilance, anxiety sensitivity and self-efficacy in managing panic. The treatment condition was associated with significant reductions in all variables except anxiety sensitivity and depressive affect. This type of intervention for people with fearful panic attacks holds promise as an efficacious and economical method for treating spontaneous panic.
- Authors: Klein, Britt , Richards, Jeffrey
- Date: 2001
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy Vol. 29, no. 1 (2001), p. 113-117
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- Reviewed:
- Description: This study investigated the effectiveness of an Internet-based intervention for people with panic disorder. Twenty-two participants met criteria for panic disorder and were randomly assigned to either the treatment or a self-monitoring control condition. The study took place over 3 weeks and consisted of one week of self-monitoring prior to the intervention group accessing the program for one week, followed by one week of post-intervention assessment. Participants were assessed on measures pertaining to panic, negative affect, body vigilance, anxiety sensitivity and self-efficacy in managing panic. The treatment condition was associated with significant reductions in all variables except anxiety sensitivity and depressive affect. This type of intervention for people with fearful panic attacks holds promise as an efficacious and economical method for treating spontaneous panic.
Therapist-Assisted, Internet-Based Treatment for Panic Disorder: Can General Practitioners achieve comparable patient outcomes to Psychologists?
- Shandley, Kerrie, Austin, David, Klein, Britt, Pier, Ciaran, Schattner, Peter, Pierce, David, Wade, Victoria
- Authors: Shandley, Kerrie , Austin, David , Klein, Britt , Pier, Ciaran , Schattner, Peter , Pierce, David , Wade, Victoria
- Date: 2008
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Journal of Medical Internet Research Vol. 10, no. 2 (2008), p. 1-15
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- Description: Background: Mental illness is an escalating concern worldwide. The management of disorders such as anxiety and depression largely falls to family doctors or general practitioners (GPs). However, GPs are often too time constrained and may lack the necessary training to adequately manage the needs of such patients. Evidence-based Internet interventions represent a potentially valuable resource to reduce the burden of care and the cost of managing mental health disorders within primary care settings and, at the same time, improve patient outcomes. Objective: The present study sought to extend the efficacy of a therapist-assisted Internet treatment program for panic disorder, Panic Online, by determining whether comparable outcomes could be achieved and maintained when Panic Online was supported by either GPs or psychologists. Methods: Via a natural groups design, 96 people with a primary diagnosis of panic disorder (with or without agoraphobia) completed the Panic Online program over 12 weeks with the therapeutic assistance of their GP (n = 53), who had received specialist training in cognitive behavioral therapy, or a clinical psychologist (n = 43). Participants completed a clinical diagnostic telephone interview, conducted by a psychologist, and a set of online questionnaires to assess panic-related symptoms at three time periods (pretreatment, posttreatment, and 6 month follow-up). Results: Both treatments led to clinically significant improvements on measures of panic and panic-related symptomatology from pretreatment to posttreatment. Both groups were shown to significantly improve over time. Improvements for both groups were maintained at follow-up; however, the groups did differ significantly on two quality of life domains: physical (F1,82 = 9.13, P = .00) and environmental (F1,82 = 4.41, P = .04). The attrition rate was significantly higher among those being treated by their GP (χ 2 1 = 4.40, P = .02, N = 96). Conclusions: This study provides evidence that Internet-based interventions are an effective adjunct to existing mental health care systems. Consequently, this may facilitate and enhance the delivery of evidence-based mental health treatments to increasingly large segments of the population via primary care systems and through suitably trained health professionals.
- Description: Background: Mental illness is an escalating concern worldwide. The management of disorders such as anxiety and depression largely falls to family doctors or general practitioners (GPs). However, GPs are often too time constrained and may lack the necessary training to adequately manage the needs of such patients. Evidence-based Internet interventions represent a potentially valuable resource to reduce the burden of care and the cost of managing mental health disorders within primary care settings and, at the same time, improve patient outcomes. Objective: The present study sought to extend the efficacy of a therapist-assisted Internet treatment program for panic disorder, Panic Online, by determining whether comparable outcomes could be achieved and maintained when Panic Online was supported by either GPs or psychologists. Methods: Via a natural groups design, 96 people with a primary diagnosis of panic disorder (with or without agoraphobia) completed the Panic Online program over 12 weeks with the therapeutic assistance of their GP (n = 53), who had received specialist training in cognitive behavioral therapy, or a clinical psychologist (n = 43). Participants completed a clinical diagnostic telephone interview, conducted by a psychologist, and a set of online questionnaires to assess panic-related symptoms at three time periods (pretreatment, posttreatment, and 6 month follow-up). Results: Both treatments led to clinically significant improvements on measures of panic and panic-related symptomatology from pretreatment to posttreatment. Both groups were shown to significantly improve over time. Improvements for both groups were maintained at follow-up; however, the groups did differ significantly on two quality of life domains: physical (F1,82 = 9.13, P = .00) and environmental (F1,82 = 4.41, P = .04). The attrition rate was significantly higher among those being treated by their GP (
- Authors: Shandley, Kerrie , Austin, David , Klein, Britt , Pier, Ciaran , Schattner, Peter , Pierce, David , Wade, Victoria
- Date: 2008
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Journal of Medical Internet Research Vol. 10, no. 2 (2008), p. 1-15
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- Description: Background: Mental illness is an escalating concern worldwide. The management of disorders such as anxiety and depression largely falls to family doctors or general practitioners (GPs). However, GPs are often too time constrained and may lack the necessary training to adequately manage the needs of such patients. Evidence-based Internet interventions represent a potentially valuable resource to reduce the burden of care and the cost of managing mental health disorders within primary care settings and, at the same time, improve patient outcomes. Objective: The present study sought to extend the efficacy of a therapist-assisted Internet treatment program for panic disorder, Panic Online, by determining whether comparable outcomes could be achieved and maintained when Panic Online was supported by either GPs or psychologists. Methods: Via a natural groups design, 96 people with a primary diagnosis of panic disorder (with or without agoraphobia) completed the Panic Online program over 12 weeks with the therapeutic assistance of their GP (n = 53), who had received specialist training in cognitive behavioral therapy, or a clinical psychologist (n = 43). Participants completed a clinical diagnostic telephone interview, conducted by a psychologist, and a set of online questionnaires to assess panic-related symptoms at three time periods (pretreatment, posttreatment, and 6 month follow-up). Results: Both treatments led to clinically significant improvements on measures of panic and panic-related symptomatology from pretreatment to posttreatment. Both groups were shown to significantly improve over time. Improvements for both groups were maintained at follow-up; however, the groups did differ significantly on two quality of life domains: physical (F1,82 = 9.13, P = .00) and environmental (F1,82 = 4.41, P = .04). The attrition rate was significantly higher among those being treated by their GP (χ 2 1 = 4.40, P = .02, N = 96). Conclusions: This study provides evidence that Internet-based interventions are an effective adjunct to existing mental health care systems. Consequently, this may facilitate and enhance the delivery of evidence-based mental health treatments to increasingly large segments of the population via primary care systems and through suitably trained health professionals.
- Description: Background: Mental illness is an escalating concern worldwide. The management of disorders such as anxiety and depression largely falls to family doctors or general practitioners (GPs). However, GPs are often too time constrained and may lack the necessary training to adequately manage the needs of such patients. Evidence-based Internet interventions represent a potentially valuable resource to reduce the burden of care and the cost of managing mental health disorders within primary care settings and, at the same time, improve patient outcomes. Objective: The present study sought to extend the efficacy of a therapist-assisted Internet treatment program for panic disorder, Panic Online, by determining whether comparable outcomes could be achieved and maintained when Panic Online was supported by either GPs or psychologists. Methods: Via a natural groups design, 96 people with a primary diagnosis of panic disorder (with or without agoraphobia) completed the Panic Online program over 12 weeks with the therapeutic assistance of their GP (n = 53), who had received specialist training in cognitive behavioral therapy, or a clinical psychologist (n = 43). Participants completed a clinical diagnostic telephone interview, conducted by a psychologist, and a set of online questionnaires to assess panic-related symptoms at three time periods (pretreatment, posttreatment, and 6 month follow-up). Results: Both treatments led to clinically significant improvements on measures of panic and panic-related symptomatology from pretreatment to posttreatment. Both groups were shown to significantly improve over time. Improvements for both groups were maintained at follow-up; however, the groups did differ significantly on two quality of life domains: physical (F1,82 = 9.13, P = .00) and environmental (F1,82 = 4.41, P = .04). The attrition rate was significantly higher among those being treated by their GP (
Internet-based treatment for panic disorder: does frequency of therapist contact make a difference?
- Kiropoulos, Litza, Klein, Britt, Austin, David, Gilson, Kathryn, Pier, Ciaran, Mitchell, Joanna, Ciechomski, Lisa
- Authors: Kiropoulos, Litza , Klein, Britt , Austin, David , Gilson, Kathryn , Pier, Ciaran , Mitchell, Joanna , Ciechomski, Lisa
- Date: 2008
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Cognitive behaviour therapy Vol. 22, no. 8 (2008), p. 1273-1284
- Full Text: false
- Reviewed:
- Description: rInternet-based interventions with therapist support have proven effective for treating a range of mental health conditions. This study examined whether frequency of therapist contact affected treatment outcomes. Fifty-seven people with panic disorder (including 32 with agoraphobia) were randomly allocated to an 8-week Internet-based cognitive behavioural treatment intervention (Panic Online) with either frequent (three e-mails per week) or infrequent (one e-mail per week) support from a psychologist. Posttreatment, intention-to-treat analyses revealed that both treatments were effective at improving panic disorder and agoraphobia severity ratings, panic-related cognitions, negative affect, and psychological and physical quality of life domains, with no differences between conditions. High end-state functioning was achieved by 28.6% of the frequent and infrequent participants, respectively. Therapist alliance, treatment credibility, and satisfaction also did not differ between groups, despite significantly greater therapist time invested in the frequent contact condition. The results provide evidence that the effectiveness of Internet-based mental health interventions may be independent of the frequency of therapist support and may, therefore, be more cost-effective than previously reported.
Modification of the body sensations interpretation questionnaire (BSIQ-M) : Validity and reliability
- Austin, David, Richards, Jeffrey, Klein, Britt
- Authors: Austin, David , Richards, Jeffrey , Klein, Britt
- Date: 2006
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Journal of Anxiety Disorders Vol. 20, no. 2 (2006), p. 237-251
- Full Text: false
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- Description: The catastrophic misinterpretation model [Behav. Res. Ther. 24 (1986) 461-470] proposes that panic attacks result from misinterpretation of interoceptive stimuli as precursors to physical or psychological emergency. Inconclusive evidence for the model may be partly explained by limitations of the questionnaires developed to measure catastrophic misinterpretation. For example, the Body Sensations Interpretation Questionnaire (BSIQ) is unable to clarify whether anxiety-related interpretations of ambiguous interoceptive stimuli represent catastrophic misinterpretations or responses masking feared outcomes (e.g., heart failure). Additionally, it lacks items relating to several DSM-IV criteria for panic, thereby limiting content validity. Reliability is also potentially compromised due to experimenter-coding of participant-generated responses. A modified form of the BSIQ was developed to address these limitations and evaluated with non-anxious controls (n=34) and people with panic disorder (n=38). The revised questionnaire demonstrated good to excellent internal consistency, inter-rater reliability, and construct validity and is a useful development of the BSIQ.
Internet-based treatment for panic disorder
- Richards, Jeffrey, Klein, Britt, Carlbring, Per
- Authors: Richards, Jeffrey , Klein, Britt , Carlbring, Per
- Date: 2003
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Vol. 32, no. 3 (2003), p. 125-135
- Full Text: false
- Reviewed:
- Description: Increasingly, the internet is being used as a source of mental health information as well as structured treatment programs for people with mental health concerns or problems. The present review focuses mainly on research conducted at the University of Ballarat in Australia, and Uppsala University in Sweden, on internet-based treatment for panic disorder, one of the more common and disabling anxiety disorders. Our studies suggest that internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy is an effective intervention for panic disorder, and that it is more effective than some other self-help therapies. We have found that this mode of intervention is associated with clinically significant change, improved psychological well-being and functioning, and low participant attrition, provided that timely, limited therapist assistance is also provided. This review also discusses treatment credibility and participant satisfaction, as well as assessment and crisis management issues. Although promising as a form of intervention, there is a need for more research on the efficacy of internet-based treatment for PD and on comparisons with evidence-based face-to-face therapies.
- Description: C1
- Description: 2003000467
- Pier, Ciaran, Austin, David, Klein, Britt, Mitchell, Joanna, Schattner, Peter, Ciechomski, Lisa, Gilson, Kathryn, Pierce, David, Shandley, Kerrie, Wade, Victoria
- Authors: Pier, Ciaran , Austin, David , Klein, Britt , Mitchell, Joanna , Schattner, Peter , Ciechomski, Lisa , Gilson, Kathryn , Pierce, David , Shandley, Kerrie , Wade, Victoria
- Date: 2008
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Mental Health in Family Medicine Vol. 5, no. 1 (2008), p. 28-29
- Full Text: false
- Reviewed:
- Description: Background: Panic disorder (PD) is one of the most common anxiety disorders seen in general practice, but provision of evidence-based cognitive-behavioural treatment (CBT) is rare. Many Australian GPs are now trained to deliver focused psychological strategies, but in practice this is time consuming and costly. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of an internet-based CBT intervention (Panic Online) for the treatment of PD supported by general practitioner (GP)-delivered therapeutic assistance. Design: Panic Online supported by GP-delivered face-to-face therapy was compared to Panic Online supported by psychologist-delivered email therapy. Methods: Sixty-five people with a primary diagnosis of PD (78% of whom also had agoraphobia) completed 12 weeks of therapy using Panic Online and therapeutic assistance with his/her GP (n = 34) or a clinical psychologist (n = 31). The mean duration of PD for participants allocated to these groups was 59 months and 58 months, respectively. Participants completed a clinical diagnostic interview delivered by a psychologist via telephone and questionnaires to assess panic-related symptoms, before and after treatment. Results: The total attrition rate was 20%, with no group differences in attrition frequency. Both treatments led to significant improvements in panic attack frequency, depression, anxiety, stress, anxiety sensitivity and quality of life. There were no statistically significant differences in the two treatments on any of these measures, or in the frequency of participants with clinically significant PD at post assessment. Conclusions: When provided with accessible online treatment protocols, GPs trained to deliver focused psychological strategies can achieve patient outcomes comparable to efficacious treatments delivered by clinical psychologists. The findings of this research provide a model for how GPs may be assisted to provide evidence-based mental healthcare successfully. © 2008 Radcliffe Publishing.
Internet-based treatment for panic disorder: Does frequency of therapist contact make a difference?
- Klein, Britt, Austin, David, Pier, Ciaran, Kiropoulos, Litza, Shandley, Kerrie, Mitchell, Joanna, Gilson, Kathryn, Ciechomski, Lisa
- Authors: Klein, Britt , Austin, David , Pier, Ciaran , Kiropoulos, Litza , Shandley, Kerrie , Mitchell, Joanna , Gilson, Kathryn , Ciechomski, Lisa
- Date: 2009
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Vol. 38, no. 2 (2009), p. 100-113
- Full Text: false
- Reviewed:
- Description: Internet-based interventions with therapist support have proven effective for treating a range of mental health conditions. This study examined whether frequency of therapist contact affected treatment outcomes. Fifty-seven people with panic disorder (including 32 with agoraphobia) were randomly allocated to an 8-week Internet-based cognitive behavioural treatment intervention (Panic Online) with either frequent (three e-mails per week) or infrequent (one e-mail per week) support from a psychologist. Posttreatment, intention-to-treat analyses revealed that both treatments were effective at improving panic disorder and agoraphobia severity ratings, panic-related cognitions, negative affect, and psychological and physical quality of life domains, with no differences between conditions. High end-state functioning was achieved by 28.6% of the frequent and infrequent participants, respectively. Therapist alliance, treatment credibility, and satisfaction also did not differ between groups, despite significantly greater therapist time invested in the frequent contact condition. The results provide evidence that the effectiveness of Internet-based mental health interventions may be independent of the frequency of therapist support and may, therefore, be more cost-effective than previously reported. © 2009 Taylor & Francis.
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