Models and interventions to promote and support engagement of first nations women with maternal and child health services : an integrative literature review
- Austin, Catherine, Hills, Danny, Cruickshank, Mary
- Authors: Austin, Catherine , Hills, Danny , Cruickshank, Mary
- Date: 2022
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Children Vol. 9, no. 5 (2022), p.
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- Description: Background: Studies show that participation in maternal and child health (MCH) services improves health outcomes for First Nations families. However, accessing MCH services can be associated with fear, anxiety, and low attendance at subsequent appointments. Objective: To identify the existing knowledge of models/interventions that support engagement of First Nations women with MCH services in the child’s first five years. Methods: An integrative review was undertaken of full-text, peer-reviewed journal articles and grey literature, which were analysed to identify barriers and enabling factors that influenced the engagement of First Nations families with MCH services. Results: Enabling factors that influenced the engagement with MCH services included service models/interventions that are timely and appropriate, and effective integrated community-based services that are flexible, holistic, culturally strong, and encourage earlier identification of risk and further assessment, intervention, referral, and support from the antenatal period to the child’s fifth birthday. Barriers to engagement included inefficient communication, lack of understanding, cultural differences between the client and the provider, poor continuity of care, limited flexibility of service delivery to meet individual needs, and a health care model that does not recognise the importance of the social determinants of health and wellbeing. Discussion: Timely, effective, holistic engagement with First Nations women during their child’s first 2000 days, which respects their culture and facilitates genuine partnerships built on co-design and shared decision making with the indigenous community, needs to be an essential part of the MCH service model if health care providers seek to practise within First Nations communities. Conclusion: Improving engagement with MCH services is important for First Nations families, the nursing practice, and public health. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
- Authors: Austin, Catherine , Hills, Danny , Cruickshank, Mary
- Date: 2022
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Children Vol. 9, no. 5 (2022), p.
- Full Text:
- Reviewed:
- Description: Background: Studies show that participation in maternal and child health (MCH) services improves health outcomes for First Nations families. However, accessing MCH services can be associated with fear, anxiety, and low attendance at subsequent appointments. Objective: To identify the existing knowledge of models/interventions that support engagement of First Nations women with MCH services in the child’s first five years. Methods: An integrative review was undertaken of full-text, peer-reviewed journal articles and grey literature, which were analysed to identify barriers and enabling factors that influenced the engagement of First Nations families with MCH services. Results: Enabling factors that influenced the engagement with MCH services included service models/interventions that are timely and appropriate, and effective integrated community-based services that are flexible, holistic, culturally strong, and encourage earlier identification of risk and further assessment, intervention, referral, and support from the antenatal period to the child’s fifth birthday. Barriers to engagement included inefficient communication, lack of understanding, cultural differences between the client and the provider, poor continuity of care, limited flexibility of service delivery to meet individual needs, and a health care model that does not recognise the importance of the social determinants of health and wellbeing. Discussion: Timely, effective, holistic engagement with First Nations women during their child’s first 2000 days, which respects their culture and facilitates genuine partnerships built on co-design and shared decision making with the indigenous community, needs to be an essential part of the MCH service model if health care providers seek to practise within First Nations communities. Conclusion: Improving engagement with MCH services is important for First Nations families, the nursing practice, and public health. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
Nurses transitioning to primary health care in Australia : a practice improvement initiative
- Cox, Rebekah, Robinson, Tracy, Rossiter, Rachel, Collison, Lisa, Hills, Danny
- Authors: Cox, Rebekah , Robinson, Tracy , Rossiter, Rachel , Collison, Lisa , Hills, Danny
- Date: 2023
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: SAGE Open Nursing Vol. 9, no. (2023), p.
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- Description: Introduction: Current nursing programs provide little pre-registration information and clinical exposure to primary health care nursing practice. Newly graduated nurses and those transitioning to primary health care report disorientation and confusion. Limited knowledge about the ideal elements of a program to support transitioning nurses is an imperative to understand how best to support nurses during this period. The peak body for nurses in primary health care was funded to develop and implement a 1-year transition to practice improvement initiative for nurses in Australia about to be employed in or who are new to primary health care. This quality improvement evaluation study aimed to determine the impact of the transition program on participants’ nursing knowledge, skills, and confidence, and their overall satisfaction with the program. Methods: A mixed methods evaluation of the project utilized data from online pre- and post-participation surveys, mentor meetings, and field notes. Descriptive statistics and paired t-tests were employed for quantitative items. Free text and field notes were subject to broad thematic analysis. Findings from qualitative and quantitative data were triangulated. Results: Ninety-three nurse participants and 62 mentors were recruited. There were statistically significant differences between mean summed post-completion and pre-completion self-assessment rating scores for knowledge, skills, and confidence. Program elements were well received. The orientation workshop, mentoring, and education activities were identified as most influential in supporting transition. The self-assessment framework was identified as least influential. Conclusion: A 12-month transition program was effective in building the knowledge, skills, and confidence of participants to deliver comprehensive and effective nursing services. © The Author(s) 2023.
- Authors: Cox, Rebekah , Robinson, Tracy , Rossiter, Rachel , Collison, Lisa , Hills, Danny
- Date: 2023
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: SAGE Open Nursing Vol. 9, no. (2023), p.
- Full Text:
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- Description: Introduction: Current nursing programs provide little pre-registration information and clinical exposure to primary health care nursing practice. Newly graduated nurses and those transitioning to primary health care report disorientation and confusion. Limited knowledge about the ideal elements of a program to support transitioning nurses is an imperative to understand how best to support nurses during this period. The peak body for nurses in primary health care was funded to develop and implement a 1-year transition to practice improvement initiative for nurses in Australia about to be employed in or who are new to primary health care. This quality improvement evaluation study aimed to determine the impact of the transition program on participants’ nursing knowledge, skills, and confidence, and their overall satisfaction with the program. Methods: A mixed methods evaluation of the project utilized data from online pre- and post-participation surveys, mentor meetings, and field notes. Descriptive statistics and paired t-tests were employed for quantitative items. Free text and field notes were subject to broad thematic analysis. Findings from qualitative and quantitative data were triangulated. Results: Ninety-three nurse participants and 62 mentors were recruited. There were statistically significant differences between mean summed post-completion and pre-completion self-assessment rating scores for knowledge, skills, and confidence. Program elements were well received. The orientation workshop, mentoring, and education activities were identified as most influential in supporting transition. The self-assessment framework was identified as least influential. Conclusion: A 12-month transition program was effective in building the knowledge, skills, and confidence of participants to deliver comprehensive and effective nursing services. © The Author(s) 2023.
- Engel, Lidia, Brijnath, Bianca, Chong, Terence, Hills, Danny, Hjorth, Larissa, Loi, Samantha, Majmudar, Ishani, Mihalopoulos, Cathrine, Gerber, Katrin
- Authors: Engel, Lidia , Brijnath, Bianca , Chong, Terence , Hills, Danny , Hjorth, Larissa , Loi, Samantha , Majmudar, Ishani , Mihalopoulos, Cathrine , Gerber, Katrin
- Date: 2023
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Death Studies Vol. 47, no. 9 (2023), p. 994-1005
- Full Text: false
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- Description: Older people experience bereavements more often than any other age group. National survey data collected across Australia from 633 bereaved adults aged 65+ years showed that 21% met the criteria for prolonged grief. Their quality of life was significantly lower and loneliness significantly higher compared to older people in the general population. Risk factors for the low quality of life and high loneliness post-bereavement included being female, experiencing the death of a partner, and being the full-time carer of the deceased. Time since bereavement, expectedness, and cause of death were not significantly associated with quality of life and loneliness. © 2022 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Registered nurses’ knowledge, attitudes and practices of pain management for aged care residents with dementia : an integrative review
- Gardner, Paul, Gilbert, Julia, Plummer, Virginia, Hills, Danny
- Authors: Gardner, Paul , Gilbert, Julia , Plummer, Virginia , Hills, Danny
- Date: 2024
- Type: Text , Journal article , Review
- Relation: Contemporary Nurse Vol. 60, no. 5 (2024), p. 496-515
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- Description: Aim: To assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of Registered Nurses working in residential aged care facilities pertaining to pain management for residents living with dementia. Background: Sub-optimal pain management continues for people living with dementia in residential aged care. Registered Nurses are the pivotal staff responsible for complex assessment and management of people residing in residential aged care facilities. Design and methods: :This integrative literature review was informed by Whittemore (2005). Searching and screening followed the PRISMA guidelines. Results: Thirteen papers were identified, the major themes identified were gaps in knowledge and skills, uncertainty of assessment, and delays in treatment. Conclusion: Registered Nurses require education on pain management for people living with dementia in residential aged care. Broader issues in residential aged care contribute to the problem and require examination. Research pertaining to Registered Nurses’ roles pain management for residents living with dementia is required. © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
- Authors: Gardner, Paul , Gilbert, Julia , Plummer, Virginia , Hills, Danny
- Date: 2024
- Type: Text , Journal article , Review
- Relation: Contemporary Nurse Vol. 60, no. 5 (2024), p. 496-515
- Full Text:
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- Description: Aim: To assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of Registered Nurses working in residential aged care facilities pertaining to pain management for residents living with dementia. Background: Sub-optimal pain management continues for people living with dementia in residential aged care. Registered Nurses are the pivotal staff responsible for complex assessment and management of people residing in residential aged care facilities. Design and methods: :This integrative literature review was informed by Whittemore (2005). Searching and screening followed the PRISMA guidelines. Results: Thirteen papers were identified, the major themes identified were gaps in knowledge and skills, uncertainty of assessment, and delays in treatment. Conclusion: Registered Nurses require education on pain management for people living with dementia in residential aged care. Broader issues in residential aged care contribute to the problem and require examination. Research pertaining to Registered Nurses’ roles pain management for residents living with dementia is required. © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
Education and training for preventing and minimizing workplace aggression directed toward healthcare workers
- Geoffrion, Steve, Hills, Danny, Ross, Heather, Pich, Jacqueline, Hill, April, Dalsbo, Therese, Riahi, Sanaz, Martínez-Jarreta, Begona, Guay, Stephane
- Authors: Geoffrion, Steve , Hills, Danny , Ross, Heather , Pich, Jacqueline , Hill, April , Dalsbo, Therese , Riahi, Sanaz , Martínez-Jarreta, Begona , Guay, Stephane
- Date: 2020
- Type: Text , Journal article , Review
- Relation: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Vol. 2020, no. 9 (2020), p.
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- Description: Background: Workplace aggression constitutes a serious issue for healthcare workers and organizations. Aggression is tied to physical and mental health issues at an individual level, as well as to absenteeism, decreased productivity or quality of work, and high employee turnover rates at an organizational level. To counteract these negative impacts, organizations have used a variety of interventions, including education and training, to provide workers with the knowledge and skills needed to prevent aggression. Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of education and training interventions that aim to prevent and minimize workplace aggression directed toward healthcare workers by patients and patient advocates. Search methods: CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase, six other databases and five trial registers were searched from their inception to June 2020 together with reference checking, citation searching and contact with study authors to identify additional studies. Selection criteria: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), cluster-randomized controlled trials (CRCTs), and controlled before and after studies (CBAs) that investigated the effectiveness of education and training interventions targeting aggression prevention for healthcare workers. Data collection and analysis: Four review authors evaluated and selected the studies resulting from the search. We used standard methodological procedures expected by Cochrane. We assessed the certainty of evidence using the GRADE approach. Main results: We included nine studies—four CRCTs, three RCTs, and two CBAs—with a total of 1688 participants. Five studies reported episodes of aggression, and six studies reported secondary outcomes. Seven studies were conducted among nurses or nurse aides, and two studies among healthcare workers in general. Three studies took place in long-term care, two in the psychiatric ward, and four in hospitals or health centers. Studies were reported from the United States, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Taiwan, and Sweden. All included studies reported on education combined with training interventions. Four studies evaluated online programs, and five evaluated face-to-face programs. Five studies were of long duration (up to 52 weeks), and four studies were of short duration. Eight studies had short-term follow-up (< 3 months), and one study long-term follow-up (> 1 year). Seven studies were rated as being at "high" risk of bias in multiple domains, and all had "unclear" risk of bias in a single domain or in multiple domains. Effects on aggression. Short-term follow-up. The evidence is very uncertain about effects of education and training on aggression at short-term follow-up compared to no intervention (standardized mean difference [SMD] -0.33, 95% confidence interval [CI] -1.27 to 0.61, 2 CRCTs; risk ratio [RR] 2.30, 95% CI 0.97 to 5.42, 1 CBA; SMD -1.24, 95% CI -2.16 to -0.33, 1 CBA; very low-certainty evidence). Long-term follow-up. Education may not reduce aggression compared to no intervention in the long term (RR 1.14, 95% CI 0.95 to 1.37, 1 CRCT; low-certainty evidence). Effects on knowledge, attitudes, skills, and adverse outcomes. Education may increase personal knowledge about workplace aggression at short-term follow-up (SMD 0.86, 95% CI 0.34 to 1.38, 1 RCT; low-certainty evidence). The evidence is very uncertain about effects of education on personal knowledge in the long term (RR 1.26, 95% CI 0.90 to 1.75, 1 RCT; very low-certainty evidence). Education may improve attitudes among healthcare workers at short-term follow-up, but the evidence is very uncertain (SMD 0.59, 95% CI 0.24 to 0.94, 2 CRCTs and 3 RCTs; very low-certainty evidence). The type and duration of interventions resulted in different sizes of effects. Education may not have an effect on skills related to workplace aggression (SMD 0.21, 95% CI -0.07 to 0.49, 1 RCT and 1 CRCT; very low-certainty evidence) nor on adverse personal outcomes, but the evidence is very uncertain (SMD -0.31, 95% CI -1.02 to 0.40, 1 RCT; very low-certainty evidence). Measurements of these c ncepts showed high heterogeneity. Authors' conclusions: Education combined with training may not have an effect on workplace aggression directed toward healthcare workers, even though education and training may increase personal knowledge and positive attitudes. Better quality studies that focus on specific settings of healthcare work where exposure to patient aggression is high are needed. Moreover, as most studies have assessed episodes of aggression toward nurses, future studies should include other types of healthcare workers who are also victims of aggression in the same settings, such as orderlies (healthcare assistants). Studies should especially use reports of aggression at an institutional level and should rely on multi-source data while relying on validated measures. Studies should also include days lost to sick leave and employee turnover and should measure outcomes at one-year follow-up. Studies should specify the duration and type of delivery of education and should use an active comparison to prevent raising awareness and reporting in the intervention group only. Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- Authors: Geoffrion, Steve , Hills, Danny , Ross, Heather , Pich, Jacqueline , Hill, April , Dalsbo, Therese , Riahi, Sanaz , Martínez-Jarreta, Begona , Guay, Stephane
- Date: 2020
- Type: Text , Journal article , Review
- Relation: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Vol. 2020, no. 9 (2020), p.
- Full Text:
- Reviewed:
- Description: Background: Workplace aggression constitutes a serious issue for healthcare workers and organizations. Aggression is tied to physical and mental health issues at an individual level, as well as to absenteeism, decreased productivity or quality of work, and high employee turnover rates at an organizational level. To counteract these negative impacts, organizations have used a variety of interventions, including education and training, to provide workers with the knowledge and skills needed to prevent aggression. Objectives: To assess the effectiveness of education and training interventions that aim to prevent and minimize workplace aggression directed toward healthcare workers by patients and patient advocates. Search methods: CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Embase, six other databases and five trial registers were searched from their inception to June 2020 together with reference checking, citation searching and contact with study authors to identify additional studies. Selection criteria: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs), cluster-randomized controlled trials (CRCTs), and controlled before and after studies (CBAs) that investigated the effectiveness of education and training interventions targeting aggression prevention for healthcare workers. Data collection and analysis: Four review authors evaluated and selected the studies resulting from the search. We used standard methodological procedures expected by Cochrane. We assessed the certainty of evidence using the GRADE approach. Main results: We included nine studies—four CRCTs, three RCTs, and two CBAs—with a total of 1688 participants. Five studies reported episodes of aggression, and six studies reported secondary outcomes. Seven studies were conducted among nurses or nurse aides, and two studies among healthcare workers in general. Three studies took place in long-term care, two in the psychiatric ward, and four in hospitals or health centers. Studies were reported from the United States, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Taiwan, and Sweden. All included studies reported on education combined with training interventions. Four studies evaluated online programs, and five evaluated face-to-face programs. Five studies were of long duration (up to 52 weeks), and four studies were of short duration. Eight studies had short-term follow-up (< 3 months), and one study long-term follow-up (> 1 year). Seven studies were rated as being at "high" risk of bias in multiple domains, and all had "unclear" risk of bias in a single domain or in multiple domains. Effects on aggression. Short-term follow-up. The evidence is very uncertain about effects of education and training on aggression at short-term follow-up compared to no intervention (standardized mean difference [SMD] -0.33, 95% confidence interval [CI] -1.27 to 0.61, 2 CRCTs; risk ratio [RR] 2.30, 95% CI 0.97 to 5.42, 1 CBA; SMD -1.24, 95% CI -2.16 to -0.33, 1 CBA; very low-certainty evidence). Long-term follow-up. Education may not reduce aggression compared to no intervention in the long term (RR 1.14, 95% CI 0.95 to 1.37, 1 CRCT; low-certainty evidence). Effects on knowledge, attitudes, skills, and adverse outcomes. Education may increase personal knowledge about workplace aggression at short-term follow-up (SMD 0.86, 95% CI 0.34 to 1.38, 1 RCT; low-certainty evidence). The evidence is very uncertain about effects of education on personal knowledge in the long term (RR 1.26, 95% CI 0.90 to 1.75, 1 RCT; very low-certainty evidence). Education may improve attitudes among healthcare workers at short-term follow-up, but the evidence is very uncertain (SMD 0.59, 95% CI 0.24 to 0.94, 2 CRCTs and 3 RCTs; very low-certainty evidence). The type and duration of interventions resulted in different sizes of effects. Education may not have an effect on skills related to workplace aggression (SMD 0.21, 95% CI -0.07 to 0.49, 1 RCT and 1 CRCT; very low-certainty evidence) nor on adverse personal outcomes, but the evidence is very uncertain (SMD -0.31, 95% CI -1.02 to 0.40, 1 RCT; very low-certainty evidence). Measurements of these c ncepts showed high heterogeneity. Authors' conclusions: Education combined with training may not have an effect on workplace aggression directed toward healthcare workers, even though education and training may increase personal knowledge and positive attitudes. Better quality studies that focus on specific settings of healthcare work where exposure to patient aggression is high are needed. Moreover, as most studies have assessed episodes of aggression toward nurses, future studies should include other types of healthcare workers who are also victims of aggression in the same settings, such as orderlies (healthcare assistants). Studies should especially use reports of aggression at an institutional level and should rely on multi-source data while relying on validated measures. Studies should also include days lost to sick leave and employee turnover and should measure outcomes at one-year follow-up. Studies should specify the duration and type of delivery of education and should use an active comparison to prevent raising awareness and reporting in the intervention group only. Copyright © 2020 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Unprepared for the depth of my feelings' - capturing grief in older people through research poetry
- Gerber, Katrin, Brijnath, Bianca, Lock, Kayla, Bryant, Christina, Hills, Danny, Hjorth, Larissa
- Authors: Gerber, Katrin , Brijnath, Bianca , Lock, Kayla , Bryant, Christina , Hills, Danny , Hjorth, Larissa
- Date: 2022
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Age and Ageing Vol. 51, no. 3 (2022), p.
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- Description: Background: Older people are more likely to experience bereavements than any other age group. However, in healthcare and society, their grief experiences and support needs receive limited attention. Through innovative, arts-based research poetry, this study aimed to capture older people's bereavement stories and the effects of grief on their physical and mental health. Method: Semi-structured in-depth interviews with 18 bereaved older adults were analysed using thematic and poetic narrative analysis, following a five-step approach of immersion, creation, critical reflection, ethics and engagement. Results: Research poems were used to illustrate three themes of bereavement experiences among older adults: feeling unprepared, accumulation of losses and ripple effects of grief. While half of participants reported that the death of their family member was expected, many felt unprepared despite having experienced multiple bereavements throughout their life. Instead, the accumulation of losses had a compounding effect on their health and well-being. While these ripple effects of grief focussed on emotional and mental health consequences, many also reported physical health effects like the onset of a new condition or the worsening of an existing one. In its most extreme form, grief was connected with a perceived increased mortality risk. Conclusions: By using poetry to draw attention to the intense and often long-lasting effects of grief on older people's health and well-being, this article offers emotional, engaging and immersive insights into their unique bereavement experiences and thereby challenges the notion that grief has an expiry date. © 2022 The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Geriatrics Society. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:
- Authors: Gerber, Katrin , Brijnath, Bianca , Lock, Kayla , Bryant, Christina , Hills, Danny , Hjorth, Larissa
- Date: 2022
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Age and Ageing Vol. 51, no. 3 (2022), p.
- Full Text:
- Reviewed:
- Description: Background: Older people are more likely to experience bereavements than any other age group. However, in healthcare and society, their grief experiences and support needs receive limited attention. Through innovative, arts-based research poetry, this study aimed to capture older people's bereavement stories and the effects of grief on their physical and mental health. Method: Semi-structured in-depth interviews with 18 bereaved older adults were analysed using thematic and poetic narrative analysis, following a five-step approach of immersion, creation, critical reflection, ethics and engagement. Results: Research poems were used to illustrate three themes of bereavement experiences among older adults: feeling unprepared, accumulation of losses and ripple effects of grief. While half of participants reported that the death of their family member was expected, many felt unprepared despite having experienced multiple bereavements throughout their life. Instead, the accumulation of losses had a compounding effect on their health and well-being. While these ripple effects of grief focussed on emotional and mental health consequences, many also reported physical health effects like the onset of a new condition or the worsening of an existing one. In its most extreme form, grief was connected with a perceived increased mortality risk. Conclusions: By using poetry to draw attention to the intense and often long-lasting effects of grief on older people's health and well-being, this article offers emotional, engaging and immersive insights into their unique bereavement experiences and thereby challenges the notion that grief has an expiry date. © 2022 The Author(s) 2022. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Geriatrics Society. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:
Workplace aggression experiences and responses of Victorian nurses, midwives and care personnel
- Hills, Danny, Lam, Louisa, Hills, Sharon
- Authors: Hills, Danny , Lam, Louisa , Hills, Sharon
- Date: 2018
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Collegian Vol. 25, no. 6 (2018), p. 575-582
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- Description: Background: Workplace aggression is a major work health and safety, and public health concern. To date, there has been limited investigation of population level exposure and responses to workplace aggression from all sources, and little evidence on the experiences, reporting and support-seeking behaviour of nurses, midwives and care personnel in Australian settings. Aim: To determine the 12-month prevalence of aggression experienced by nurses, midwives and care personnel from sources external and internal to the organisation, and the reporting behaviours and support sought from employers, health services, Trade Unions, work health and safety agencies, police and legal services. Methods: An online survey of the membership of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation – Victorian Branch was conducted between 1 st May and 30th June 2017. Findings: In the previous 12 months, 96.5% of respondents experienced workplace aggression, with 90.9% experiencing aggression from external sources and 72.3% from internal sources. A majority indicated they just accepted incidents of aggression, and most rarely or never took time off work, sought medical or psychological treatment, or sought organisational or other institutional support, advice or action. Levels of satisfaction with institutional services were mostly neutral to poor. Discussion: Victorian nurses, midwives and care personnel work in aggressive and violent workplaces. The incivility endemic in health care likely sets the climate for the generation of and exposure to so much explicit aggression and violence. It appears that any systems or processes instituted to protect health care personnel from harm are failing. Conclusion: More targeted and effectively operationalised legislation, incentives and penalties are likely required. Further research may elaborate the extent of the impact of exposure to workplace aggression over time.
- Authors: Hills, Danny , Lam, Louisa , Hills, Sharon
- Date: 2018
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Collegian Vol. 25, no. 6 (2018), p. 575-582
- Full Text:
- Reviewed:
- Description: Background: Workplace aggression is a major work health and safety, and public health concern. To date, there has been limited investigation of population level exposure and responses to workplace aggression from all sources, and little evidence on the experiences, reporting and support-seeking behaviour of nurses, midwives and care personnel in Australian settings. Aim: To determine the 12-month prevalence of aggression experienced by nurses, midwives and care personnel from sources external and internal to the organisation, and the reporting behaviours and support sought from employers, health services, Trade Unions, work health and safety agencies, police and legal services. Methods: An online survey of the membership of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation – Victorian Branch was conducted between 1 st May and 30th June 2017. Findings: In the previous 12 months, 96.5% of respondents experienced workplace aggression, with 90.9% experiencing aggression from external sources and 72.3% from internal sources. A majority indicated they just accepted incidents of aggression, and most rarely or never took time off work, sought medical or psychological treatment, or sought organisational or other institutional support, advice or action. Levels of satisfaction with institutional services were mostly neutral to poor. Discussion: Victorian nurses, midwives and care personnel work in aggressive and violent workplaces. The incivility endemic in health care likely sets the climate for the generation of and exposure to so much explicit aggression and violence. It appears that any systems or processes instituted to protect health care personnel from harm are failing. Conclusion: More targeted and effectively operationalised legislation, incentives and penalties are likely required. Further research may elaborate the extent of the impact of exposure to workplace aggression over time.
Nursing perspectives on reducing sedentary behaviour in sub-acute hospital settings : a mixed methods study
- Hills, Danny, Ekegren, Christina, Plummer, Virginia, Freene, Nicole, Kunstler, Breanne, Robinson, Tracy, Healy, Ellen, Vo, Jennifer, Gasevic, Danijela, Crabtree, Amelia
- Authors: Hills, Danny , Ekegren, Christina , Plummer, Virginia , Freene, Nicole , Kunstler, Breanne , Robinson, Tracy , Healy, Ellen , Vo, Jennifer , Gasevic, Danijela , Crabtree, Amelia
- Date: 2022
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Journal of Clinical Nursing Vol. 31, no. 9-10 (2022), p. 1348-1361
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- Description: Aim and objectives: To determine the factors influencing nurses’ decisions and capacity to reduce sedentary behaviour in hospital inpatients in sub-acute hospital settings. Background: Sedentary behaviour in hospital inpatients is a complex issue that can be resistant to resolution. There is little research investigating factors influencing nurses’ promotion of reduced levels of sedentary behaviour in sub-acute hospital settings. Design: An explanatory sequential design was employed, comprising quantitative and qualitative phases. Methods: An online survey was conducted with a convenience sample of 138 nurses from five Australian states. Logistic regression modelling identified demographic and behavioural characteristics of nurses who often encouraged patients to reduce their sedentary behaviour. In-depth interviews were conducted with 11 ward nurses and nurse managers, with the content subjected to thematic analysis. STROBE and GRAMMS checklists were employed. Results: Nurses recognised their role in promoting reduced sedentary behaviour but faced a range of personal and organisational barriers in achieving this outcome for patients. Few nurses were aware of national physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines. Five themes emerged from interviews (nursing role, care challenges, expectations of advocates, teamwork and improving the experience). Overall, many nurses experienced a lack of agency in promoting reduced sedentary behaviour and cognitive dissonance in feeling unable to undertake this role. Conclusions: The results of this study are significant in confirming that reducing sedentary behaviour in hospital inpatients is influenced by a range of complex and multi-level factors. There is a fundamental need for organisational and clinical leadership in building a culture and climate in which staff feel empowered to promote reduced sedentary behaviour in their patients. Relevance to clinical practice: The results of this study highlight the importance of taking action to reduce sedentary behaviour in sub-acute hospital settings. A co-design approach to developing interventions in local health services is warranted. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Authors: Hills, Danny , Ekegren, Christina , Plummer, Virginia , Freene, Nicole , Kunstler, Breanne , Robinson, Tracy , Healy, Ellen , Vo, Jennifer , Gasevic, Danijela , Crabtree, Amelia
- Date: 2022
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Journal of Clinical Nursing Vol. 31, no. 9-10 (2022), p. 1348-1361
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- Description: Aim and objectives: To determine the factors influencing nurses’ decisions and capacity to reduce sedentary behaviour in hospital inpatients in sub-acute hospital settings. Background: Sedentary behaviour in hospital inpatients is a complex issue that can be resistant to resolution. There is little research investigating factors influencing nurses’ promotion of reduced levels of sedentary behaviour in sub-acute hospital settings. Design: An explanatory sequential design was employed, comprising quantitative and qualitative phases. Methods: An online survey was conducted with a convenience sample of 138 nurses from five Australian states. Logistic regression modelling identified demographic and behavioural characteristics of nurses who often encouraged patients to reduce their sedentary behaviour. In-depth interviews were conducted with 11 ward nurses and nurse managers, with the content subjected to thematic analysis. STROBE and GRAMMS checklists were employed. Results: Nurses recognised their role in promoting reduced sedentary behaviour but faced a range of personal and organisational barriers in achieving this outcome for patients. Few nurses were aware of national physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines. Five themes emerged from interviews (nursing role, care challenges, expectations of advocates, teamwork and improving the experience). Overall, many nurses experienced a lack of agency in promoting reduced sedentary behaviour and cognitive dissonance in feeling unable to undertake this role. Conclusions: The results of this study are significant in confirming that reducing sedentary behaviour in hospital inpatients is influenced by a range of complex and multi-level factors. There is a fundamental need for organisational and clinical leadership in building a culture and climate in which staff feel empowered to promote reduced sedentary behaviour in their patients. Relevance to clinical practice: The results of this study highlight the importance of taking action to reduce sedentary behaviour in sub-acute hospital settings. A co-design approach to developing interventions in local health services is warranted. © 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Hills, Danny, Tribe, Ruby, Weng, Cheng-Wei, Chong, Grace, Ng, Tracy, Koh, Jo-Lynn, Chen, Shao-Ming, An, Sharon, Jhaung, Debbie, Gardner, Paul, Ilami, Hariz, Seow, Emmaline, Ting-Yu, Lin, Qi, Tan, Hao, Li, Carey, Dayna
- Authors: Hills, Danny , Tribe, Ruby , Weng, Cheng-Wei , Chong, Grace , Ng, Tracy , Koh, Jo-Lynn , Chen, Shao-Ming , An, Sharon , Jhaung, Debbie , Gardner, Paul , Ilami, Hariz , Seow, Emmaline , Ting-Yu, Lin , Qi, Tan , Hao, Li , Carey, Dayna
- Date: 2021
- Type: Text , Book chapter
- Relation: Cross-Cultural Design for Healthy Ageing p. 133-159
- Full Text: false
- Reviewed:
- Hills, Danny, Tan, Khoon, Heng, Doreen
- Authors: Hills, Danny , Tan, Khoon , Heng, Doreen
- Date: 2021
- Type: Text , Book chapter
- Relation: Cross-Cultural Design for Healthy Ageing Chapter 4 p. 63-72
- Full Text: false
- Reviewed:
Defining and classifying aggression and violence in health care work
- Authors: Hills, Danny
- Date: 2018
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Collegian Vol. 25, no. 6 (2018), p. 607-612
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- Description: Background: There is considerable contention in defining workplace aggression, especially in health care. This can lead to challenges in effectively researching workplace aggression, and ensuring a sound basis for developing strategies to prevent and minimise its likelihood and consequences. Aim: The aim of this discussion paper is to provide a pragmatic definition of workplace aggression, based on a contemporary conceptualisation of human aggression, followed by a discussion on key classifications of workplace aggression. Methods: The argument presented draws on theoretical and applied literature to develop a case for adopting a pragmatic definition of aggression, with key classification components. Findings and Discussion: A highly practical conceptualisation of workplace aggression differentiates two main forms – verbal or written and physical aggression – and two main source groups – internal (co-workers) and external (patients, their relatives or carers and others external to the workplace). Conclusion: Clarity and consensus on defining and classifying workplace aggression, should provide a sound and coherent basis for researchers, policy makers, clinicians and health care organisations to successfully prevent and minimise this challenging and serious work health and safety concern. © 2018 Australian College of Nursing Ltd
- Authors: Hills, Danny
- Date: 2018
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Collegian Vol. 25, no. 6 (2018), p. 607-612
- Full Text:
- Reviewed:
- Description: Background: There is considerable contention in defining workplace aggression, especially in health care. This can lead to challenges in effectively researching workplace aggression, and ensuring a sound basis for developing strategies to prevent and minimise its likelihood and consequences. Aim: The aim of this discussion paper is to provide a pragmatic definition of workplace aggression, based on a contemporary conceptualisation of human aggression, followed by a discussion on key classifications of workplace aggression. Methods: The argument presented draws on theoretical and applied literature to develop a case for adopting a pragmatic definition of aggression, with key classification components. Findings and Discussion: A highly practical conceptualisation of workplace aggression differentiates two main forms – verbal or written and physical aggression – and two main source groups – internal (co-workers) and external (patients, their relatives or carers and others external to the workplace). Conclusion: Clarity and consensus on defining and classifying workplace aggression, should provide a sound and coherent basis for researchers, policy makers, clinicians and health care organisations to successfully prevent and minimise this challenging and serious work health and safety concern. © 2018 Australian College of Nursing Ltd
- Hills, Sharon, Crawford, Kimberley, Lam, Louisa, Hills, Danny
- Authors: Hills, Sharon , Crawford, Kimberley , Lam, Louisa , Hills, Danny
- Date: 2021
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Collegian Vol. 28, no. 1 (2021), p. 18-26
- Full Text: false
- Reviewed:
- Description: Background: Workplace aggression in the health and care sectors is a major work health and safety and public health concern, worldwide. In Australia, rates of exposure to workplace aggression are consistent with those experienced by nurses internationally, and have not decreased over the past 35 years. Objectives: To explore the experiences and perspectives of nurses, midwives and care personnel relating to experiences of verbal or written and physical aggression from external sources (patients, patients’ relatives or carers and others external to the workplace) and internal sources (co-workers). Design: A pragmatic, descriptive, qualitative study, integrating themes emerging from online survey comments and follow-up, in depth interviews. Settings: Health and aged care services in the Australian State of Victoria. Participants: Nurses, midwives and care personnel who were members of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation – Victorian Branch in May and June 2017. Method: Thematic analysis was undertaken on the combined comments provided in up to seven free-form text fields of an online survey questionnaire and the content of follow-up interviews of selected survey participants. Results: From the online survey data, comments from 623 participants were able to be included in analyses. Of the 293 respondents initially indicating a willingness to be contacted by researchers, a sample of 29 participated in in-depth interviews. Eight thematic categories emerged from the data, relating to patient aggression, contextual categories (three sub-categories – care of older people, mental health care and emergency department settings), co-worker aggression (two sub-categories – aggression from managers/supervisors, aggression from colleagues/peers), reporting behaviours, trade union involvement, security personnel and police involvement, legal action and the impacts of workplace aggression. Conclusions: Over the past 35 years, little progress has been made in mitigating the likelihood and consequences of this serious work health and safety, and public health issue. There appears to be have been a sustained failure to implement co-ordinated, multi-sectorial, system-wide and targeted interventions to reduce what seem to be growing levels of harmful exposure to incivility and aggression in care settings in Victoria. There is an urgent need to strengthen and enforce existing legislation, introduce new laws and develop more effective systems and practices to adequately protect the health and safety of nurses, midwives and other care personnel in their daily work. Stronger evidence for system and service level interventions to prevent and minimise workplace aggression in care settings is also required. © 2020 Australian College of Nursing Ltd
Person-centred decision-making in mental health : a scoping review
- Hormazábal-Salgado, Raul, Whitehead, Dean, Osman, Abdi, Hills, Danny
- Authors: Hormazábal-Salgado, Raul , Whitehead, Dean , Osman, Abdi , Hills, Danny
- Date: 2024
- Type: Text , Journal article , Review
- Relation: Issues in Mental Health Nursing Vol. 45, no. 3 (2024), p. 294-310
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- Description: Person-centred decision-making approaches in mental health care are crucial to safeguard the autonomy of the person. The use of these approaches, however, has not been fully explored beyond the clinical and policy aspects of shared and supported decision-making. The main goal is to identify and collate studies that have made an essential contribution to the understanding of shared, supported, and other decision-making approaches related to adult mental health care, and how person-centred decision-making approaches could be applied in clinical practice. A scoping review of peer-reviewed primary research was undertaken. A preliminary search and a main search were undertaken. For the main search, eight databases were explored in two rounds, between October and November 2022, and in September 2023, limited to primary research in English, Spanish or Portuguese published from October 2012 to August 2023. From a total of 12,285 studies retrieved, 21 studies were included. These research articles, which had mixed quality ratings, focused on therapeutic relationships and communication in decision-making (30%), patients’ involvement in treatment decision-making (40%), and interventions for improving patients’ decision-making engagement (30%). While there is promising evidence for shared decision-making in mental health care, it is important that healthcare providers use their communicational skills to enhance the therapeutic relationship and engage patients in the process. More high-quality research on supported decision-making strategies and their implementation in mental health services is also required. © 2024 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
- Authors: Hormazábal-Salgado, Raul , Whitehead, Dean , Osman, Abdi , Hills, Danny
- Date: 2024
- Type: Text , Journal article , Review
- Relation: Issues in Mental Health Nursing Vol. 45, no. 3 (2024), p. 294-310
- Full Text:
- Reviewed:
- Description: Person-centred decision-making approaches in mental health care are crucial to safeguard the autonomy of the person. The use of these approaches, however, has not been fully explored beyond the clinical and policy aspects of shared and supported decision-making. The main goal is to identify and collate studies that have made an essential contribution to the understanding of shared, supported, and other decision-making approaches related to adult mental health care, and how person-centred decision-making approaches could be applied in clinical practice. A scoping review of peer-reviewed primary research was undertaken. A preliminary search and a main search were undertaken. For the main search, eight databases were explored in two rounds, between October and November 2022, and in September 2023, limited to primary research in English, Spanish or Portuguese published from October 2012 to August 2023. From a total of 12,285 studies retrieved, 21 studies were included. These research articles, which had mixed quality ratings, focused on therapeutic relationships and communication in decision-making (30%), patients’ involvement in treatment decision-making (40%), and interventions for improving patients’ decision-making engagement (30%). While there is promising evidence for shared decision-making in mental health care, it is important that healthcare providers use their communicational skills to enhance the therapeutic relationship and engage patients in the process. More high-quality research on supported decision-making strategies and their implementation in mental health services is also required. © 2024 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Advanced care directives in residential aged care for residents with major neuro-cognitive disorders (dementia) : a scoping Review
- Hormazábal-Salgado, Raul, Osman, Abdi, Poblete-Troncoso, Margarita, Whitehead, Dean, Hills, Danny
- Authors: Hormazábal-Salgado, Raul , Osman, Abdi , Poblete-Troncoso, Margarita , Whitehead, Dean , Hills, Danny
- Date: 2024
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care Vol. 20, no. 1 (2024), p. 83-114
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- Reviewed:
- Description: The aim of this review was to identify, assess, collate, and analyze existing research that has made a direct contribution to aiding understanding of the ethical and decision-making issues related to the use of advance care directives for people with dementia and/or other major neurocognitive disorders and/or their surrogate decision-makers on treatment. The Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, CINAHL, Academic Search Ultimate, and MEDLINE databases were searched between August and September 2021 and July to November 2022 limited to primary studies written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. Twenty-eight studies of varying quality that addressed related thematic areas were identified. These themes being support for autonomy in basic needs (16%), making decisions ahead/planning ahead and upholding these decisions (52%), and support in decision-making for carers (32%). Advance care directives are an important mechanism for documenting treatment preferences in patient care planning. However, the available literature on the topic is limited in both quantity and quality. Recommendations for practice include involving decision makers, promoting educational interventions, exploring how they are used and implemented, and promoting the active involvement of social workers within the healthcare team. © 2023 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
- Authors: Hormazábal-Salgado, Raul , Osman, Abdi , Poblete-Troncoso, Margarita , Whitehead, Dean , Hills, Danny
- Date: 2024
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care Vol. 20, no. 1 (2024), p. 83-114
- Full Text:
- Reviewed:
- Description: The aim of this review was to identify, assess, collate, and analyze existing research that has made a direct contribution to aiding understanding of the ethical and decision-making issues related to the use of advance care directives for people with dementia and/or other major neurocognitive disorders and/or their surrogate decision-makers on treatment. The Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, CINAHL, Academic Search Ultimate, and MEDLINE databases were searched between August and September 2021 and July to November 2022 limited to primary studies written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese. Twenty-eight studies of varying quality that addressed related thematic areas were identified. These themes being support for autonomy in basic needs (16%), making decisions ahead/planning ahead and upholding these decisions (52%), and support in decision-making for carers (32%). Advance care directives are an important mechanism for documenting treatment preferences in patient care planning. However, the available literature on the topic is limited in both quantity and quality. Recommendations for practice include involving decision makers, promoting educational interventions, exploring how they are used and implemented, and promoting the active involvement of social workers within the healthcare team. © 2023 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
Mental health and religiosity in older latin american immigrants living in Australia
- Hormazábal-Salgado, Raul, Whitehead, Dean, Osman, Abdi, Hills, Danny
- Authors: Hormazábal-Salgado, Raul , Whitehead, Dean , Osman, Abdi , Hills, Danny
- Date: 2024
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Issues in Mental Health Nursing Vol. 45, no. 11 (2024), p. 1194-1200
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- Description: Ageing in a non-native land brings numerous challenges that may complicate adaptation and health for older Latin American immigrants in Australia. While religiosity emerges as a protective factor for mental health, there is scarce research focused on exploring the multifaceted dimensions of religiosity in this population. As part of a broad Constructivist Grounded Theory study, the aim of this qualitative descriptive analysis was to explore and understand this population’s religious practices and experiences, focusing on the impact on their mental health. Following ethical approval, 23 Spanish-speaking Latin American immigrants aged 60 and older living in Australia were interviewed. Data analysis was performed on a constant comparative basis and concurrent with data collection to understand the findings. Three key categories were identified: “Being involved in religious groups and communities,” “Connecting with God,” and “Changing how one lives one’s faith.” Regardless of their religious practices, all participants engaged in social activities that helped them integrate into their communities. Several barriers to religious practices were identified. The findings add to the field of religiosity as a protective factor in older Latin American immigrants’ mental health. Future research should identify barriers to religious practices and targeted interventions. © 2024 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
- Authors: Hormazábal-Salgado, Raul , Whitehead, Dean , Osman, Abdi , Hills, Danny
- Date: 2024
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Issues in Mental Health Nursing Vol. 45, no. 11 (2024), p. 1194-1200
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- Reviewed:
- Description: Ageing in a non-native land brings numerous challenges that may complicate adaptation and health for older Latin American immigrants in Australia. While religiosity emerges as a protective factor for mental health, there is scarce research focused on exploring the multifaceted dimensions of religiosity in this population. As part of a broad Constructivist Grounded Theory study, the aim of this qualitative descriptive analysis was to explore and understand this population’s religious practices and experiences, focusing on the impact on their mental health. Following ethical approval, 23 Spanish-speaking Latin American immigrants aged 60 and older living in Australia were interviewed. Data analysis was performed on a constant comparative basis and concurrent with data collection to understand the findings. Three key categories were identified: “Being involved in religious groups and communities,” “Connecting with God,” and “Changing how one lives one’s faith.” Regardless of their religious practices, all participants engaged in social activities that helped them integrate into their communities. Several barriers to religious practices were identified. The findings add to the field of religiosity as a protective factor in older Latin American immigrants’ mental health. Future research should identify barriers to religious practices and targeted interventions. © 2024 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
- Hungerford, Catherine, Hills, Sharon, Richards, Catelyn, Robinson, Tracy, Hills, Danny
- Authors: Hungerford, Catherine , Hills, Sharon , Richards, Catelyn , Robinson, Tracy , Hills, Danny
- Date: 2022
- Type: Text , Journal article , Review
- Relation: Issues in Mental Health Nursing Vol. 43, no. 11 (2022), p. 1014-1021
- Full Text: false
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- Description: The origins of mindfulness go back some 25 centuries to Eastern teachings, including Buddhism and Hinduism. Mindfulness-based interventions gained credence in Western mental health settings in the late 1970s through the work of medical researcher Kabat-Zinn, whose interest in Eastern meditation led him to develop a program for stress reduction. Since then, mindfulness-based interventions have been utilized for various populations, including older people with anxiety. Group mindfulness-based interventions have demonstrated benefits for older people with anxiety living in residential aged care and the community. In primary care settings, innovative delivery models for group mindfulness-based interventions could be facilitated by nurses to support older people with anxiety to age in place with dignity. The benefits of mindfulness-based interventions suggest the value of integrating ancient Eastern techniques with modern Western strategies to achieve better health outcomes for older people with mental health concerns. © 2022 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
- Kidgell, Dianna, Hills, Danny, Griffiths, Debra, Endacott, Ruth
- Authors: Kidgell, Dianna , Hills, Danny , Griffiths, Debra , Endacott, Ruth
- Date: 2020
- Type: Text , Journal article , Review
- Relation: International Journal of Nursing Studies Vol. 109, no. (2020), p. 1-10
- Full Text: false
- Reviewed:
- Description: Background: Trade agreements in the 21st century have evolved to include provisions that affect domestic public policy and public health in signatory countries. There are growing calls for health professionals and public health advocates to pursue an active advisory role in trade negotiations in order to anticipate and prevent negative outcomes for health services and public health. Aim: This scoping review explored current literature to identify existing knowledge of the implications of trade agreements for the nursing workforce, nursing practice and public health using as an example the 2018 'Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership'. Design: Scoping review Data sources: Emerald Insight, Informit, Ovid MEDLINE, PubMed, ProQuest, Scopus, and a number of specialist Economics, International Trade and Business, and International Relations databases. Grey literature included national and international policy documents. Review method: Literature was selected according to extraction field criteria, supplemented by hand searching of relevant grey literature and snowballing references from the selected literature reference lists. Analysis was undertaken to identify key themes emerging from the literature. Review results: Six key themes relevant to nursing workforce, nursing practice or public health were 1. Lack of consultation with public health and health professionals in trade negotiations; 2. Implications of strengthened intellectual property provisions for equitable access to medicines (including biologics) and medical devices; 3. Threats to government capacity to regulate domestic policy for public health and health services through 'Investor State Dispute Settlement' provisions 4. Threats to government capacity to regulate domestic policy for public health and health services through 'Regulatory Coherence' 5. Potential limited benefits to communities and increased health inequities 6. Potential implications of increased temporary migration. Gaps were identified in the literature for implications for nursing practice and the nursing workforce from regulatory and labour provisions of trade agreements. Conclusions: The analysis of the literature reviewed is of international importance for the nursing workforce, nursing practice and public health. Policymakers must anticipate and respond to how the inclusion of labour or regulatory provisions in trade agreements will affect nursing practice and the nursing workforce, and how this may subsequently impact on the health of communities globally. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Newly qualified graduate nurses’ experiences of workplace incivility in Australian hospital settings
- Mammen, Bindu, Hills, Danny, Lam, Louisa
- Authors: Mammen, Bindu , Hills, Danny , Lam, Louisa
- Date: 2018
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Collegian Vol. 25, no. 6 (2018), p. 591-599
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- Description: Background: Workplace incivility is a well-documented issue of concern known to negatively impact on new graduate nurses’ confidence, which in turn may affect the quality of patient care. However, there is lack of qualitative research that solely focuses on workplace incivility experiences of new graduate registered nurses enrolled in graduate nurse programs. Aim: This paper aims to explore new graduate nurses’ experiences of workplace incivility while enrolled in graduate nurse programs Method: A descriptive-qualitative method was used to discover the ‘who, what, and where’ of events and experiences, and assist in understanding the perceptions of newly qualified nurses, through face-to-face, in-depth interviews. After transcription, the interviews were analysed by thematic analysis. Findings: Four major themes emerged: ‘realising vulnerability’ ‘sensing self actualisation’ ‘changing expectations’ and ‘yearning for respect, support & information’. Discussion: Our interpretations of what participants said suggest that workplace incivility is an extant issue in nurses’ supportive graduate year, with the temporary employment status offered by the graduate nurse program being identified as a major contributing factor. Paradoxically, the relatively short duration of clinical rotation was also found to be a morale booster, as the new graduate nurses knew that any conflict experienced would cease, which therefore acted as a decisive factor for their continuation in nursing. Conclusion: This study has provided more depth and insight into the experiences of incivility experienced by new graduate nurses, highlighting that the role of temporary employment as a major causative element for exposure to workplace incivility. Graduate nurse programs could be strengthened, with additional support provided for each rotation and throughout the graduate year.
Newly qualified graduate nurses’ experiences of workplace incivility in Australian hospital settings
- Authors: Mammen, Bindu , Hills, Danny , Lam, Louisa
- Date: 2018
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Collegian Vol. 25, no. 6 (2018), p. 591-599
- Full Text:
- Reviewed:
- Description: Background: Workplace incivility is a well-documented issue of concern known to negatively impact on new graduate nurses’ confidence, which in turn may affect the quality of patient care. However, there is lack of qualitative research that solely focuses on workplace incivility experiences of new graduate registered nurses enrolled in graduate nurse programs. Aim: This paper aims to explore new graduate nurses’ experiences of workplace incivility while enrolled in graduate nurse programs Method: A descriptive-qualitative method was used to discover the ‘who, what, and where’ of events and experiences, and assist in understanding the perceptions of newly qualified nurses, through face-to-face, in-depth interviews. After transcription, the interviews were analysed by thematic analysis. Findings: Four major themes emerged: ‘realising vulnerability’ ‘sensing self actualisation’ ‘changing expectations’ and ‘yearning for respect, support & information’. Discussion: Our interpretations of what participants said suggest that workplace incivility is an extant issue in nurses’ supportive graduate year, with the temporary employment status offered by the graduate nurse program being identified as a major contributing factor. Paradoxically, the relatively short duration of clinical rotation was also found to be a morale booster, as the new graduate nurses knew that any conflict experienced would cease, which therefore acted as a decisive factor for their continuation in nursing. Conclusion: This study has provided more depth and insight into the experiences of incivility experienced by new graduate nurses, highlighting that the role of temporary employment as a major causative element for exposure to workplace incivility. Graduate nurse programs could be strengthened, with additional support provided for each rotation and throughout the graduate year.
Newly qualified graduate nurses’ experiences of workplace incivility in healthcare settings : an integrative review
- Mammen, Bindu, Lam, Louisa, Hills, Danny
- Authors: Mammen, Bindu , Lam, Louisa , Hills, Danny
- Date: 2023
- Type: Text , Journal article , Review
- Relation: Nurse Education in Practice Vol. 69, no. (2023), p.
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- Description: Aim: To explore, identify and integrate the existing knowledge to categorise the characteristics, likelihood, and consequences of workplace incivility among newly qualified graduate registered nurses. A particular focus of this review is on the experiences of new nurses related to these negative workplace behaviours and the strategies employed by these nurses and their organisations to manage workplace incivility. Background: Workplace incivility has been widely recognised as a global problem in healthcare settings and is known to affect nurses in all facets of their professional and personal life. This might be particularly harmful for newly qualified graduate nurses, as they are unprepared to deal with this uncivil culture. Design: An integrative review of the global literature, conducted according to the Whittemore and Knafl framework. Methods: Database searches (CINAHL, OVID Medline, PubMed, Scopus, Ovid Emcare and PsycINFO), and manual searching generated an aggregate of 1904 articles, which were further screened based on inclusion criteria and eligibility using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). Peer-reviewed empirical studies that explored the workplace incivility experiences of new graduate nurses were included in this review. Extracted data were grouped to develop themes and sub-themes. Results: This review included 14 studies in total with seven quantitative and seven qualitative studies. The data collected from these studies were categorised according to the research questions into a) expectations of civility, b) experiences and exposure to workplace incivility, c) forms and characteristics of incivility, d) sources of incivility, e) consequences of incivility, and f) managing and coping with incivility. Across studies, graduate nurses' views about the prestige and power of the nursing profession are conflicted due to experiences of incivility in clinical practice. New graduate nurses experienced a high but variable prevalence of incivility from their co-workers (25.6–87 %), with manifestations of incivility varying greatly, including eye rolling, yelling, exclusion and sexual harassment. Included studies primarily focused on professional and organisational effects and their outcomes relative to the physical and psychological effects on new nurses. Conclusion: Findings from the literature demonstrate that incivility directed toward newly qualified graduate nurses is prevalent and can have significant negative impact on their self-esteem and confidence, which may ultimately impact on their workforce participation decisions and the quality of patient care. Supportive and empowering work environments are vital not only for improved nurse health and well-being, but also to retain new graduate nurses. The current nursing shortage emphasises the need for such conditions. © 2023 Elsevier Ltd
- Authors: Mammen, Bindu , Lam, Louisa , Hills, Danny
- Date: 2023
- Type: Text , Journal article , Review
- Relation: Nurse Education in Practice Vol. 69, no. (2023), p.
- Full Text:
- Reviewed:
- Description: Aim: To explore, identify and integrate the existing knowledge to categorise the characteristics, likelihood, and consequences of workplace incivility among newly qualified graduate registered nurses. A particular focus of this review is on the experiences of new nurses related to these negative workplace behaviours and the strategies employed by these nurses and their organisations to manage workplace incivility. Background: Workplace incivility has been widely recognised as a global problem in healthcare settings and is known to affect nurses in all facets of their professional and personal life. This might be particularly harmful for newly qualified graduate nurses, as they are unprepared to deal with this uncivil culture. Design: An integrative review of the global literature, conducted according to the Whittemore and Knafl framework. Methods: Database searches (CINAHL, OVID Medline, PubMed, Scopus, Ovid Emcare and PsycINFO), and manual searching generated an aggregate of 1904 articles, which were further screened based on inclusion criteria and eligibility using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). Peer-reviewed empirical studies that explored the workplace incivility experiences of new graduate nurses were included in this review. Extracted data were grouped to develop themes and sub-themes. Results: This review included 14 studies in total with seven quantitative and seven qualitative studies. The data collected from these studies were categorised according to the research questions into a) expectations of civility, b) experiences and exposure to workplace incivility, c) forms and characteristics of incivility, d) sources of incivility, e) consequences of incivility, and f) managing and coping with incivility. Across studies, graduate nurses' views about the prestige and power of the nursing profession are conflicted due to experiences of incivility in clinical practice. New graduate nurses experienced a high but variable prevalence of incivility from their co-workers (25.6–87 %), with manifestations of incivility varying greatly, including eye rolling, yelling, exclusion and sexual harassment. Included studies primarily focused on professional and organisational effects and their outcomes relative to the physical and psychological effects on new nurses. Conclusion: Findings from the literature demonstrate that incivility directed toward newly qualified graduate nurses is prevalent and can have significant negative impact on their self-esteem and confidence, which may ultimately impact on their workforce participation decisions and the quality of patient care. Supportive and empowering work environments are vital not only for improved nurse health and well-being, but also to retain new graduate nurses. The current nursing shortage emphasises the need for such conditions. © 2023 Elsevier Ltd
Nurse leadership in promoting and supporting civility in health care settings : a scoping review
- Ota, Marianne, Lam, Louisa, Gilbert, Julia, Hills, Danny
- Authors: Ota, Marianne , Lam, Louisa , Gilbert, Julia , Hills, Danny
- Date: 2022
- Type: Text , Journal article , Review
- Relation: Journal of Nursing Management Vol. 30, no. 8 (2022), p. 4221-4233
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- Description: Aim: This scoping review aimed to identify the existing evidence on how nurse leaders promote and maintain civility amongst nurses in health care settings. Background: Research on managing workplace incivility in nursing, a prevalent and concerning issue worldwide, recommends nurse leaders to command cultural change through strong leadership and civility interventions. However, there is very little empirical evidence summarizing and analysing how nurse leaders pragmatically achieve civility, and combat workplace incivility, in the health care setting. Evaluation: A scoping review was undertaken using the electronic databases CINAHL, Emerald Insight, MEDLINE, PsychINFO, PubMed and Scopus. Google Scholar was used to search for grey literature. Key issues: The eight studies included in this review describe how nurse leaders promote and maintain civility under four key themes: (1) creating a shared vision, (2) educating self and others, (3) fostering accountability and (4) providing support. Conclusion: The review provides an overview of commonly used strategies and actions that pragmatically promote and maintain civility in the health care setting by nurse leaders, while also highlighting areas of future research needed to strengthen the evidence base. Implications for Nursing Management: It is important for nurse leaders to gain an understanding of evidence-based practices when addressing workplace incivility in order to address this prevailing problem for the future and safety of nurses moving forward. © 2022 The Authors. Journal of Nursing Management published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Authors: Ota, Marianne , Lam, Louisa , Gilbert, Julia , Hills, Danny
- Date: 2022
- Type: Text , Journal article , Review
- Relation: Journal of Nursing Management Vol. 30, no. 8 (2022), p. 4221-4233
- Full Text:
- Reviewed:
- Description: Aim: This scoping review aimed to identify the existing evidence on how nurse leaders promote and maintain civility amongst nurses in health care settings. Background: Research on managing workplace incivility in nursing, a prevalent and concerning issue worldwide, recommends nurse leaders to command cultural change through strong leadership and civility interventions. However, there is very little empirical evidence summarizing and analysing how nurse leaders pragmatically achieve civility, and combat workplace incivility, in the health care setting. Evaluation: A scoping review was undertaken using the electronic databases CINAHL, Emerald Insight, MEDLINE, PsychINFO, PubMed and Scopus. Google Scholar was used to search for grey literature. Key issues: The eight studies included in this review describe how nurse leaders promote and maintain civility under four key themes: (1) creating a shared vision, (2) educating self and others, (3) fostering accountability and (4) providing support. Conclusion: The review provides an overview of commonly used strategies and actions that pragmatically promote and maintain civility in the health care setting by nurse leaders, while also highlighting areas of future research needed to strengthen the evidence base. Implications for Nursing Management: It is important for nurse leaders to gain an understanding of evidence-based practices when addressing workplace incivility in order to address this prevailing problem for the future and safety of nurses moving forward. © 2022 The Authors. Journal of Nursing Management published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.