Your selections:
STEM in the Making? Investigating STEM Learning in Junior School Makerspaces
- Falloon, Garry, Forbes, Anne, Stevenson, Michael, Bower, Matt, Hatzigianni, Maria
iPad mediated talk in young children’s learning and exploration of interests
- Khoo, Elaine, Falloon, Garry, Nguyen, Nhung Hong
From digital literacy to digital competence: the teacher digital competency (TDC) framework
Young children’s design thinking skills in makerspaces
- Hatzigianni, Maria, Stevenson, Michael, Falloon, Garry, Bower, Matt, Forbes, Anne
An analysis of the nature of young students’ STEM Learning in 3D technology-enhanced makerspaces
- Forbes, Anne, Falloon, Garry, Stevenson, Michael, Hatzigianni, Maria, Bower, Matt
Children's views on making and designing
- Hatzigianni, Maria, Stevenson, Michael, Bower, Matt, Falloon, Garry, Forbes, Anne
Researching students across spaces and places : capturing digital data ‘on the go’
Twelve years of iPads and apps in schools : what conditions support effective practices in K-6 classrooms?
The search for computer science concepts in coding animated narratives: tensions and opportunities
The pros and cons of using display capture technology for data collection with young children
Using animated simulations to support young students’ science learning
An exploration of online technoliteracy capability teaching and learning in early years classrooms
By design : professional learning ecologies to develop primary school teachers’ makerspaces pedagogical capabilities
- Stevenson, Michael, Bower, Matt, Falloon, Garry, Forbes, Anne, Hatzigianni, Maria
Using simulations to teach young students science concepts : an experiential learning theoretical analysis
- Bower, Matt, Stevenson, Michael, Forbes, Anne, Falloon, Garry, Hatzigianni, Maria
What is the nature of stem learning in junior school makerspaces? A cross-case analysis
- Falloon, Garry, Forbes, Anne
Understanding K-12 STEM Education: a Framework for Developing STEM Literacy
- Falloon, Garry, Hatzigianni, Maria, Bower, Matt, Forbes, Anne, Stevenson, Michael
- Falloon, Garry, Powling, Markus, Fraser, Sharon, Hatisaru, Vesife
Building STEM in schools : an Australian cross-case analysis
- Falloon, Garry, Stevenson, Michael, Beswick, Kim, Fraser, Sharon, Geiger, Vincent
Understanding the translingual practices among international students in multilingual cities
- Yin, Yijun, Chik, Alice, Falloon, Garry
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