Walhalla [picture].
- Authors: Lee, William Harrison
- Date: 1896
- Type: Still Image
- Full Text: false
- Description: View of Walhalla, about 1896, from the cricket ground hill. Visible is the Long Tunnel battery, the Church of England, the Grand Junction Hotel and the Band Rotunda.
- Description: Item held by Gippsland and Regional Studies Collection, Federation University Australia.
- Description: Record generated from title list.
- Description: The Walhalla story - POT 29|Lee, W.H. - The Switzerland of Australia
- Description: 03-Feb-92
Grand Junction Hotel, Walhalla [picture].
- Date: 1886-1895
- Type: Still Image
- Full Text: false
- Description: View of Walhalla around the junction of the Left and Right Hand branches of Stringer's Creek in the late 1880s. On the left is the Wesleyan Church. Next to that is the police camp. In the centre is the Grand Junction Hotel, with extensions finished in 1896. On the right is St John's Church of England.
- Description: Item held by Gippsland and Regional Studies Collection, Federation University Australia.
- Description: Record generated from title list.
- Description: The Walhalla story - POT 29|James, G.F. - Walhalla heyday
- Description: 03-Feb-92
Central Walhalla [picture].
- Authors: Lee, William Harrison
- Date: 1908
- Type: Still Image
- Full Text: false
- Description: View of the street dominated by Conlan's Star Hotel, about 1908. On the other side of Stringer's Creek is a house. More houses and St John's Church of England can be seen on the hillside.
- Description: Item held by Gippsland and Regional Studies Collection, Federation University Australia.
- Description: Record generated from title list.
- Description: The Walhalla story - POT 29|Lee, W.H. - The Switzerland of Australia
- Description: 29-Jan-92