Increased unintended patient harm in nursing practise as a consequence of the dominance of economic discourses
- Authors: Heggen, Kristin , Wellard, Sally
- Date: 2004
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: International Journal of Nursing Studies Vol. 41, no. 3 (2004), p. 293-298
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- Description: Caring is characterized by close and fragile relations between nurses and patients. At times, even with good intentions, nurses cause unintended harm of patients. We argue that the dominance of economic discourses in health care and their subsequent influence on service delivery and health care practices has the potential to increase unintended patient harm. Similar techniques and practices can result in either desired outcomes or harmful outcomes. We explore the notion of unintended harm and some of the ways it arises in nursing practice. We argue there is a clear link between the dominance of economic discourses and an increased risk of unintended harm. As a consequence of the dominance of economic rationalist discourses and the subsequent systems of control introduced, the practice of nursing has been significantly influenced. The challenge for nurses and the nursing profession is to develop strategies to refuse to give in to the dominance of economic interests over the need to prevent harm.
- Description: C1
- Description: 2003000837
Does asking adolescents about suicidal ideation induce negative mood state?
- Authors: Deeley, Stephanie , Love, Anthony
- Date: 2010
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Violence and Victims Vol. 25, no. 5 (2010), p. 677-688
- Full Text: false
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- Description: Two studies examined the potential for negative mood induction through participating in suicidal ideation questionnaire research. Items immediately preceding mood state measures were hypothesized to influence mood state in a negative or positive direction, depending on their emotional content. Study 1 involved 129 adolescents. Mood state decreased nonsignificantly following items on suicidal-type ideation and significantly improved following a series of positive affect items. Study 2 followed up 71 of the original participants 3 years later using a briefer version of the original questionnaire. Here no significant differences in mood state were found at any measurement point. In both studies, the salience of items preceding the mood measure explained a significant proportion of variance in mood state. We concluded that negative mood induction effects were minimal. Ethical implications are discussed. © 2010 Springer Publishing Company.
Resolving ethical challenges when researching with minority and vulnerable populations : LGBTIQ victims of violence, harassment and bullying
- Authors: Roffee, James , Waling, Andrea
- Date: 2017
- Type: Text , Journal article
- Relation: Research Ethics Vol. 13, no. 1 (2017), p. 4-22
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- Description: This article provides an analysis of the issues and ethical challenges faced in a study with LGBTIQ student participants concerning their experiences of violence, harassment and bullying in tertiary settings. The authors detail the ethical challenges behind the development of the project, and around conducting research with a minority and vulnerable population. The article illustrates how the utilization of feminist and queer theory has impacted the process of conducting ethical research, including approaches to recruitment and participant autonomy. The dilemmas of confidentiality within a self-labelled and easily identifiable population are resolved. Further, unexpected challenges and risks to participant safety created through adherence to institutional ethical research frameworks are rectified. Importantly, the authors seek to avoid revictimization of participants and to instead empower students in their responses to violence, harassment and bullying that they may have experienced. The authors point to utilization of theoretical foundations and continual reflexive improvement as elements of best practice for those seeking to research minority populations, and in projects marked by the participation of those deemed vulnerable and high-risk. © 2016, © The Author(s) 2016.