Using digital image analysis for assessing the quality of wheat and barley
- Authors: Armstrong, Bruce
- Date: 2004
- Type: Text , Thesis , Masters
- Full Text:
- Description: This thesis explores the issues involved in developing a relatively low-cost digital imaging analysis (DIA) system fot the quality assessment of wheat and barley using commonly available equipment. It also explores the capability of such a system to provide rapid and accurate assessments.
- Description: Master of Applied Science by research
Where past and future are gathered : Representations of self and concepts of ageing in the twenty-first century
- Authors: Button, Loris
- Date: 2009
- Type: Text , Thesis , PhD
- Full Text:
- Description: This research project applies an analysis of identity, time and ageing to the practice-led project of investigating the way in which self portraiture may reflect and inform society's understanding of changing concepts of the ageing self in the early twenty-first century.
- Description: Doctor of Philosophy
The literacy practices of Kunibídji children : Text, technology and transformation
- Authors: Auld, Glenn
- Date: 2005
- Type: Text , Thesis , PhD
- Full Text:
- Description: Members of the Kunibídji community are the traditional owners of the lands and seas around Maningrida, a remote community in Arnhem Land in Northern Australia. Kunibídji children speak Ndjébbana as their first language and learn to speak English as a third or fourth language at school. Underpinning this study is a belief that the children have the right to speak their own language and access texts in their own language at home. [...] This study investigated the literacy practices that approximately fifty Kunibídji children enacted in the literacy events with the Ndjébbana talking books. [...] This study found that Kunibídji children had a desire to access the Ndjébbana talking books, a will to participate in the literacy events and the capacity to be critical about these literacy events at home.
- Description: Doctor of Philosophy
Ergonomics interventions as investments in occupational health and safety : A selected series of case studies within the Australian postal corporation
- Authors: Nelson, David
- Date: 2006
- Type: Text , Thesis , PhD
- Full Text:
- Description: This thesis examines and reports upon the application of ergonomics interventions to OHS-based industrial problems. The study focuses on the values of these interventions as investment opportunieties for management. A wide review of the scientific and commercial literature, personal information, observation techniques, and a selected series of seven case studies and eleven separate data-sets within the Australian Postal Corporation have been undertaken.
- Description: Doctor of Philosophy
A methodology for the analysis of interactive narrative environments : a four-factor framework
- Authors: Macfadyen, Alyx
- Date: 2009
- Type: Thesis , PhD
- Full Text:
- Description: Stories have been engaging humans for thousands of years, but in interactive narrative environments, the narrative is perceived to diminish as the source of engagement. One reason for this apparent diminution, is that in interactive environments there has been difficulty in understanding the relationship between design of the unfolding story, and the ability of a user within the story to alter the course of events. As yet there are no standard or accepted evaluative methods to understand interaction at a granular level, and to understand how stories and narratives flow across the expanse of technologies and mixed realities that characterise the way people communicate, share knowledge and are entertained. This thesis presents a novel methodology called the Four-Factor Framework, that takes as its premise that there are four fundamental elements in interactive stories and narratives that can be observed.
- Description: Doctor of Philosophy
An investigation into the professional competencies required by Australian HRM practitioners
- Authors: Chambers, Stephen
- Date: 2006
- Type: Text , Thesis
- Full Text: false
- Description: "The role of human resource management (HRM), or simply human resource (HR), practitioners has changed dramatically, especially in the last 10 years. As a result of this change in role, as detailed in the literature review, HRM practitioners require appropriate competencies to maintain effectiveness and enhance the value of their contribution to their organisation..." --p. 1.
- Description: Master of Business
Secret suburbia : An anthology of concepts relating to house and home
- Authors: Mears, Paul
- Date: 2006
- Type: Text , Thesis , Masters
- Full Text: false
- Description: The aim of this research project has been to merge components of ideas relating to House and Home that have been formed by the inherently sensitive autobiographical nature of my own experience whilst growing up in a suburban environment. Naturally, these symbols or metaphors of the mundane reveal much more than what superficial impressions allow. They invite the viewer into an inner world of dream /memory and hypothesis that hopefully invokes within the viewer a desire to reach beyond their own perceptions of the everyday, and to re-examine the source of their own identity, thereby bringing some new emphasis to their own significant journey.
- Description: Master of Arts (Visual Arts)
Where the sun has fallen to earth : A studio investigation of the nature of place, and the place of nature in visual art practice
- Authors: Bennett, Julie
- Date: 2008
- Type: Text , Thesis , Masters
- Full Text:
- Description: My work involves the insertion of a structure into a landscape - a particular landscape, one I have contemplated for many years. In my landscape, 'my place', time is seen through the change of farming and weather seasons. We think we know and understand the landscape that immediately surrounds us, the place in which we live, but in the event of even a small change within that familiar place, our understanding and perceptions are called into question and our sense of time and space are rearranged.
- Description: Master of Arts (Visual Arts)
Between the winter and the dog trap
- Authors: Griffin, Tony
- Date: 2009
- Type: Text , Thesis , Masters
- Full Text:
- Description: This research is concerned with a visual exploration and recording of that small area of the Golden Plains Shire on the outskirts of the Western Victorian city of Ballarat. Specifically I have investigated aspects of change as witnessed in the landscape within walking distance of my home between the Winter Creek and the Dog Trap Creek. The nature of change is significant as it shapes the physical, social and spiritual narratives played out before the frequent visitor.
- Description: Master of Arts
The role of psychological variables in help-seeking amongst farmers and farming families
- Authors: Grieve, Aaron
- Date: 2005
- Type: Text , Thesis , PhD
- Full Text: false
- Description: This study investigated the role of psychological variables in help-seeking behaviour and attitudes in a rural population, with particular emphasis as to whether differences existed between farmers and non-farming rural residents. These groups were contrasted, as research suggests that farmers appear to be a sub-group of the Australian population at increased risk of chronic health problems and suicide, even in comparison to other rural residents.
- Description: Doctor of Psychology (Clinical)
The construct validity of the Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder symptoms : A multitrait-multisource approach based on father and mother ratings
- Authors: Carroll, Steve
- Date: 2005
- Type: Text , Thesis , PhD
- Full Text:
- Description: There has been considerable debate over the construct validity of the Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) symptoms in past research due to measurement error (e.g., source effects) associated with parent and teacher ratings of childhood behaviour. Recent multitrait-multisource (MT-MS) studies have attempted to account for measurement error by using multiple sources involving parents and teachers. These studies have identified low trait variance in the AD/HD and ODD dimensions, thereby raising questions about the validity of the AD/HD - inattention (IN), AD/HD - hyperactivity/impulsivity (H/I), and ODD constructs. However, as these studies examine ratings from different settings (i.e., home and school) it can be argued that the low trait variance in the AD/HD constructs may reflect cross-situational differences. The current research used confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) procedures to examine the internal and external validity of AD/HD and ODD symptoms based on ratings (i.e., mother and father) from individuals in the same setting...
- Description: Doctor of Psychology (Clinical)