Animal ethics in biology teaching and research in selected Asian countries
Biology education in the future
Enhancing Sustainable Development on Land: Using birds of prey to disperse flocks of native birds that threaten resource use and human activities
- Wallis, Robert, Coles, Graeme
Henry Watts (1828-1889) : 'The pioneer of freshwater phycology in Victoria'
- Wallis, Robert, Mondon, Julie
Historical reports of Common (Bare-nosed) Wombats 'Vombatus ursinus' in the Warrnambool area, Victoria
- Wallis, Robert, O’Callaghan, Elizabeth
Historical reports of quolls in Victoria’s south-west
James Dawson’s muurang and yaakar
Maremma guardian dogs to protect Little Penguins
- Wallis, Robert, Wallis, Anne, Corbett, Patricia
Nature study in Australia past, present and a desirable future
- King, Kristie, Wallis, Robert, Wallis, Anne, Peucker, Amanda, Williams, David
Teaching sustainability in Australian schools
- Wallis, Robert, King, Kristie, Wallis, Anne
The need for education about threats to biodiversity and loss of ecosystem function in the corporate sector
Using birds of prey to manage pest bird flocks under lethal and non-lethal conditions – A review
- Wallis, Robert, Coles, Graeme
Using live animals in teaching
Using raptors to disperse pest birds in Victoria
- Coles, Graeme, Wallis, Robert, Brennan, David
When can raptors be cost-effective in dispersing pest birds?
- Wallis, Robert, Coles, Graeme, Brennan, David
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