- Lu, Kui, Sultan, Ibrahim, Phung, Truong
- Hossain, Md Shazzad, Phung, Truong, Kumar, Apurv, Sultan, Ibrahim
A literature review of the design, modeling, optimization, and control of electro-mechanical inlet valves for gas expanders
- Hossain, Md Shazzad, Sultan, Ibrahim, Phung, Truong, Kumar, Apurv
A literature review of the positive displacement compressor : current challenges and future opportunities
- Lu, Kui, Sultan, Ibrahim, Phung, Truong
A study on the use of machine learning methods to improve reciprocating compressor reliability via torque tailoring
- Lu, Kui, Sultan, Ibrahim, Phung, Truong
An optimized artificial neural network model of a limaçon-to-circular gas expander with an inlet valve
- Hossain, Md Shazzad, Sultan, Ibrahim, Phung, Truong, Kumar, Apuv
An optimum design for a fast-response solenoid valve : application to a limaçon gas expander
- Hossain, Md Shazzad, Sultan, Ibrahim, Phung, Truong, Kumar, Apurv
Characterization of limacon gas expanders with consideration to the dynamics of apex seals and inlet control valve
- Phung, Truong, Sultan, Ibrahim
Design and modelling of the limaçon positive displacement gas expander
Design and optimisation of PE-ORC power production systems
- Belfiore, Christopher, Phung, Truong, Nguyen, Linh, Sultan, Ibrahim
Design of limaçon gas expanders
- Phung, Truong, Sultan, Ibrahim, Boretti, Alberto
Designs and applications of the rotary limaçon compressors and expanders - a review
- Belfiore, Christopher, Lu, Kui, Phung, Truong, Sultan, Ibrahim
Geometric design of the limaçon machine
- Sultan, Ibrahim, Phung, Truong
Geometric design of the limaçon rotary compressor using bayesian optimization
- Lu, Kui, Sultan, Ibrahim, Phung, Truong
Geometric design of the limaçon-to-circular fluid processing machine
- Phung, Truong, Sultan, Ibrahim
Improving process efficiency by waste heat recuperation: An Application of the limaçon technology
- Sultan, Ibrahim, Phung, Truong, Alhelal, Alhelal
Improving torque performance in reciprocating compressors via asymmetric stoke characteristics
- Sultan, Ibrahim, Phung, Truong
Improving torque performance in reciprocating compressors via asymmetric stroke characteristics
- Sultan, Ibrahim, Phung, Truong
- Sultan, Ibrahim, Phung, Truong
Machine learning accelerated prediction of 3D granular flows in hoppers
- Le, Duy, Nguyen, Linh, Phung, Truong, Howard, David, Kahandawa, Gayan, Murshed, Manzur, Delaney, Gary
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