A taxonomy of griefer type by motivation in massively multiplayer online role-playing games
- Achterbosch, Leigh, Miller, Charlynn, Vamplew, Peter
- Greenway, Nikki, Miller, Charlynn
Embedding professional skills in the ICT curriculum
- Konsky, Brian von, Jones, Asheley, Miller, Charlynn
Enhancing tertiary healthcare education through 3D MUVE-based simulations
- Miller, Charlynn, Lee, Mark, Rogers, Luke, Peck, Blake
Evaluating the impact of a virtual emergency room simulation for learning
- Rogers, Luke, Miller, Charlynn, Firmin, Sally
Facilitating the development of lifelong learners through e-communication tools
- Firmin, Sally, Miller, Charlynn
- Achterbosch, Leigh, Miller, Charlynn, Vamplew, Peter
Griefers versus the Griefed - what motivates them to play Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games?
- Achterbosch, Leigh, Miller, Charlynn, Turville, Christopher, Vamplew, Peter
- Peck, Blake, Miller, Charlynn
Metropolitan universities : Serving the needs of adult students?
- Miller, Charlynn, Gleeson, Lynne
Online learning in ACSEducation: using online learning tools in professional education
- Jones, Asheley, Miller, Charlynn
Podcasting and education : Time to start listening
- Newnham, Leon, Miller, Charlynn
Podcasting syndication services and university students : Why don't they subscribe?
- Lee, Mark, Miller, Charlynn, Newnham, Leon
Re-consider : The integration of online dispute resolution and decision support systems
- Muecke, Nial, Stranieri, Andrew, Miller, Charlynn
Retaining mature-age students at university: A student services perspective
RSS and content syndication in higher education : Subscribing to a new model of teaching and learning
- Lee, Mark, Miller, Charlynn, Newnham, Leon
Student perceptions of podcasting to enhance learning and teaching in an information systems course
- Miller, Charlynn, Newnham, Leon
Stuttering support and nursing education: Two case studies in second life
- Meredith, Grant, Miller, Charlynn, Simmons, Gregory
Sustaining the future through virtual worlds
- Gregory, Sue, Gregory, Brent, Hillier, Mathew, Miller, Charlynn, Meredith, Grant
Understanding victims of identity theft: A grounded theory approach
- Turville, Kylie, Firmin, Sally, Yearwood, John, Miller, Charlynn
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