Affective topologies of rural youth embodiment
- Farrugia, David, Smyth, John, Harrison, Tim
- Farrugia, David, Smyth, John, Harrison, Tim
Moral distinctions and structural inequality : homeless youth salvaging the self
- Farrugia, David, Smyth, John, Harrison, Tim
Responsibility, intersubjectivity, and recognition: The case of Australian young people experiencing homelessness
Rural young people in late modernity : Place, globalisation and the spatial contours of identity
- Farrugia, David, Smyth, John, Harrison, Tim
The possibility of symbolic violence in interview with young people experiencing homelessness
The reflexive subject : Towards a theory of reflexivity as practical intelligibility
The symbolic burden of homelessness: Towards a theory of youth homelessness as embodied subjectivity
The ‘lamentable sight’ of homelessness and the society of the spectacle
- Gerrard, Jessica, Farrugia, David
Towards a spatialised youth sociology: The rural and the urban in times of change
Unpacking the black box: The problem of agency in the sociology of youth
- Coffey, Julia, Farrugia, David
Vulnerable, 'at risk', 'disengaged'. Regional young people.
- Farrugia, David, Smyth, John, Harrison, Tim
Young people and structural inequality : beyond the middle ground
Youth homelessness and individualised subjectivity
Youth, homelessness, and embodiment: Moralised aesthetics and affective suffering
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