Toohey, Kristine, MacMahon, Clare, Weissensteiner, Juanita, Thomson, Alana, Auld, Chris, Beaton, Anthony, Burke, Matthew, Woolcock, Geoff. Routledge; 2018. Using transdisciplinary research to examine talent identification and development in sport.
Hits: 1030
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Thomson, Alana, Proud, Ingrid, Goldston, Andrew, Dodds-Gorman, Rebecca. IGI Global; 2020. Virtual reality for better event planning and management.
Hits: 265
Visitors: 247
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Schulenkorf, Nico, Schlenker, Katie, Thomson, Alana. Taylor and Francis Inc.; 2016. Event leverage and sport mega-events.
Hits: 217
Visitors: 210
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Seaward, Liz, Morgan, Damian, Thomson, Alana. Frontiers Media S.A.; 2023. Key issues of health and safety for workers in residential aged care : an expert study.
Hits: 911
Visitors: 898
Downloads: 47
Thomson, Alana, Cuskelly, Graham, Toohey, Kristine, Kennelly, Millicent, Burton, Paul, Fredline, Liz. Taylor and Francis Online; 2019. Sport event legacy: A systematic quantitative review of literature.
Hits: 764
Visitors: 685
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Thomson, Alana, Hayes, Michelle, Hanlon, Clare, Toohey, Kristine, Taylor, Tracy. Taylor and Francis Ltd.; 2023. Women’s professional sport leagues : a systematic review and future directions for research.
Hits: 821
Visitors: 870
Downloads: 93
Carlini, Joan, Coghlan, Alexandra, Thomson, Alana, O'Neil, Andrew. Cognizant Communication Corporation; 2020. From legacy rhetoric to business benefits: A case study of the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth games.
Hits: 648
Visitors: 677
Downloads: 69
Thomson, Alana, Kennelly, Millicent, Toohey, Kristine. Routledge; 2020. A systematic quantitative literature review of empirical research on large-scale sport events’ social legacies.
Hits: 368
Visitors: 335
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Thomson, Alana, Kaufmann, Kipp, Archer, Verity, Halabi, Abdel, Ambrosy, Josh. Taylor and Francis; 2022. COVID-19 and national sport events : a case study of the sport event logistics for the 2021 Australian Road Nationals Cycling Championships.
Hits: 361
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Doyle, Jason, Filo, Kevin, Thomson, Alana, Kunkel, Thilo. Human Kinetics Publishers Inc.; 2021. Large-scale sport events and resident well-being : examining PERMA and the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games.
Hits: 1262
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Thomson, Alana, Schlenker, Katie, Schulenkorf, Nico, Brooking, Elizabeth. Taylor and Francis Inc.; 2016. The social and environmental consequences of hosting sport mega-events.
Hits: 297
Visitors: 287
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Thomson, Alana, Toohey, Kristine, Darcy, Simon. Human Kinetics Publishers Inc.; 2021. The political economy of mass sport participation legacies from large-scale sport events : a conceptual paper.
Hits: 1412
Visitors: 1535
Downloads: 382
Carlini, Joan, Thomson, Alana, O’Neil, Andrew, Green, Amelia. Routledge; 2024. Understanding the interplay between event communications and local business decision-making using signalling theory : the case of the 2018 Commonwealth Games.
Hits: 401
Visitors: 384
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Thomson, Alana, Kennelly, Millicent, Cooper, Kimberlea, Macagno, Salvador. Cognizant Communication Corporation; 2024. Sport event leveraging and violence against women : the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games and one million stars to end violence.