Pillay, Soma, Riaz, Shoaib, Dorasamy, Nirmala. Elsevier Ltd; 2023. Examining the work–life balance of immigrants in Australia : an anomie theory perspective.
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Riaz, Shoaib, Morgan, Damian, Kimberley, Nell. Emerald Publishing Limited; 2023. Managing organizational transformation (OT) using complex adaptive system (CAS) framework: future lines of inquiry.
Hits: 633
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Dubey, Suchi, Singh, Anurag, Riaz, Shoaib, Shukla, Vinod. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; 2023. Blockchain and RFID for baggage movement in the aviation industry.
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Riaz, Shoaib, Kimberley, Nell, Morgan, Damian. ANZAM; 2014. Examining Organisation Transformation (OT) through the lens of Complex Adaptive Systems (CASs).
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Riaz, Shoaib, Kimberley, Nell, Morgan, Damian. University of Newcastle; 2016. Surviving and thriving in turbulent times : A complex adaptive systems (CAS) based approach to organisational transformation (OT).
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Riaz, Shoaib, Morgan, Damian, Kimberley, Nell. Emerald Publishing; 2024. Using complex adaptive systems (CAS) framework to assess success factors that lead to successful organizational change : a new way to understand change implementation for success.
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Riaz, Shoaib, Pillay, Soma, Khan, Rameez. ANZAM; 2013. An examination of consistency theory and employee performance through the lenses of SMEs in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
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Riaz, Shoaib, Batool, Hadeeqa, Aziz, Atif. PAF Karachi Institute of Economics; 2019. The mediating role of SNN and its antecedents and consequences.