Pillay, Soma, Reddy, P., Morgan, Damian. Taylor and Francis Ltd.; 2017. Institutional isomorphism and whistle-blowing intentions in public sector institutions.
Hits: 3187
Visitors: 3062
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Rayner, Julie, Morgan, Damian. John Wiley and Sons Inc.; 2018. An empirical study of 'green' workplace behaviours : Ability, motivation and opportunity.
Hits: 1398
Visitors: 1341
Downloads: 1
Swan, Christopher, Lawton, Alan, Morgan, Damian. ; 2016. The entrepreneurial eco-tourism operator : Balancing sustainability, lifestyle and business imperatives.
Hits: 403
Visitors: 384
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Paulet, Renee, Holland, Peter, Morgan, Damian. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd; 2021. A meta‐review of 10 years of green human resource management : is Green HRM headed towards a roadblock or a revitalisation?.
Hits: 3498
Visitors: 3452
Downloads: 169
Morgan, Damian, Ozanne-Smith, Joan. ; 2012. Surf bather drowning risk and exposure-related factors identified by an expert panel.
Morgan, Damian. USA Venture Publishing; 2015. A public health approach to injury prevention in commercial adventure tourism activities : A river tubing case study.
Hits: 432
Visitors: 422
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Morgan, Damian. Cognizant Communication Corporation; 2016. Development of a method to estimate and predict beach visitation.
Hits: 535
Visitors: 510
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Riaz, Shoaib, Morgan, Damian, Kimberley, Nell. Emerald Publishing Limited; 2023. Managing organizational transformation (OT) using complex adaptive system (CAS) framework: future lines of inquiry.
Hits: 633
Visitors: 619
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Morgan, Damian, Rayner, Julie. Australian Business Education Research Association; 2019. Development of a scale measure for green employee workplace practices.
Hits: 1262
Visitors: 1230
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Seaward, Liz, Morgan, Damian, Thomson, Alana. Frontiers Media S.A.; 2023. Key issues of health and safety for workers in residential aged care : an expert study.
Hits: 911
Visitors: 898
Downloads: 47
Morgan, Damian, Ozanne-Smith, Joan. Public Library of Science; 2019. A configural model of expert judgement as a preliminary epidemiological study of injury problems: An application to drowning.
Hits: 7575
Visitors: 7387
Downloads: 186
Duffy, Michelle, Yell, Susan, Walker, Larissa, Morgan, Damian, Carroll, Matthew. Routledge; 2023. The social justice issues of smoke im/mobilities.
Hits: 610
Visitors: 643
Downloads: 41
McLeod, Geordie, O'Connor, Siobhan, Morgan, Damian, Kountouris, Alex, Finch, Caroline, Fortington, Lauren. BMJ Publishing Group; 2020. Medical-attention injuries in community cricket : a systematic review.
Hits: 6862
Visitors: 6656
Downloads: 232
Jones, Geraldine, Moore, Kathleen, Morgan, Damian. Springer Singapore; 2019. Leadership : untapping the secret to regional wellbeing, belonging and resilience.
Hits: 703
Visitors: 691
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Fortington, Lauren, West, Liam, Morgan, Damian, Finch, Caroline. BMJ Publishing Group; 2019. Implementing automated external defibrillators into community sports clubs/facilities : A cross-sectional survey of community club member preparedness for medical emergencies.
Hits: 3416
Visitors: 3342
Downloads: 248
Fortington, Lauren, Bekker, Sheree, Morgan, Damian, Finch, Caroline. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins; 2019. "It Doesn't Make Sense for Us Not to Have One" - Understanding reasons why community sports organizations chose to participate in a funded automated external defibrillator program.
Hits: 5940
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Morgan, Damian, Ozanne-Smith, Joan. ; 2013. Development and trial of a water exposure measure of estimated drowning risk for surf bathers.
Hits: 1303
Visitors: 1366
Downloads: 79
McLeod, Geordie, O'Connor, Siobhan, Morgan, Damian, Kountouris, Alex, Finch, Caroline, Fortington, Lauren. Elsevier Ltd; 2020. Prospective reporting of injury in community-level cricket : a systematic review to identify research priorities.
Hits: 1124
Visitors: 956
Downloads: 35
Jones, Geraldine, Moore, Kathleen, Porter, Joanne, Morgan, Damian. Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH; 2018. Why does the psychological contract matter? Implications for leadership practice, workplace stress and anxiety.
Hits: 259
Visitors: 252
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Morgan, Damian, Ozanne-Smith, Joan, Triggs, Thomas. Descriptive epidemiology of drowning deaths in a surf beach swimmer and surfer population. 2008.
Hits: 778
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Riaz, Shoaib, Kimberley, Nell, Morgan, Damian. ANZAM; 2014. Examining Organisation Transformation (OT) through the lens of Complex Adaptive Systems (CASs).
Hits: 716
Visitors: 690
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Swan, Christopher, Morgan, Damian. Springer; 2019. Corporate sustainability and responsibility in ecotourism: Entrepreneurial motivation enacted through sustainability objectives.
Hits: 424
Visitors: 420
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Swan, Christopher, Morgan, Damian. Sage; 2016. Who wants to be an eco-entrepreneur? Identifying entrepreneurial types and practices in ecotourism businesses.
Hits: 1088
Visitors: 1046
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Morgan, Damian, Ozanne-Smith, Joan. Measurement of a drowning incidence rate combining direct observation of an exposed population with mortality statistics. 2015.
Hits: 1568
Visitors: 1551
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Morgan, Damian, Ozanne-Smith, Joan, Triggs, Thomas. Self-reported water and drowning risk exposure at surf beaches. 2009.
Hits: 1174
Visitors: 1175
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Morgan, Damian, Ozanne-Smith, Joan. ; 2013. Identification of observed factors that predict bather water-immersions at beaches.
Swan, Christopher, Morgan, Damian, Lawton, Alan. Federation University Australia; 2016. CSR through Eco-preneurship : A conceptual model of the entrepreneurial process underpinning ecotourism business start-up.
Hits: 997
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Swan, Christopher, Morgan, Damian, Lawton, Alan. Federation University Australia; 2016. Understanding eco-preneurship : a conceptual model of the entrepreneurial process underpinning ecotourism business start-up.
Hits: 291
Visitors: 271
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Morgan, Damian, Ozanne-Smith, Joan, Triggs, Thomas. Direct observation measurement of drowning risk exposure for surf beach bathers. 2009.
Hits: 1148
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Bhattarai, Babu, Wright, Wendy, Morgan, Damian. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.; 2021. Review of Nepal's protected area laws in relation to human wildlife conflict.
Hits: 802
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Riaz, Shoaib, Kimberley, Nell, Morgan, Damian. University of Newcastle; 2016. Surviving and thriving in turbulent times : A complex adaptive systems (CAS) based approach to organisational transformation (OT).
Hits: 379
Visitors: 370
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Pillay, Soma, Reddy, P., Morgan, Damian. ; 2014. Institutional isomorphism and whistleblowing intentions in public sector institutions.
Hits: 1022
Visitors: 1004
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Riaz, Shoaib, Morgan, Damian, Kimberley, Nell. Emerald Publishing; 2024. Using complex adaptive systems (CAS) framework to assess success factors that lead to successful organizational change : a new way to understand change implementation for success.
Hits: 16
Visitors: 14
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Bhattarai, Babu, Wright, Wendy, Morgan, Damian, Cook, Simon, Baral, Hem. Springer Verlag; 2019. Managing human-tiger conflict : Lessons from Bardia and Chitwan National Parks, Nepal.
Hits: 4500
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Soldatenko, Daria, Zentveld, Elisa, Morgan, Damian. Emerald Publishing; 2023. An examination of tourists’ pre-trip motivational model using push–pull theory : Melbourne as a case study.
Hits: 1462
Visitors: 1523
Downloads: 90
Morgan, Damian, Matthews, Bernadette, Smith, Liam, Andronaco, Rob. ; 2014. Assessment of visual attention to water quality safety signs using laboratory-based eye tracking equipment.
Hits: 2197
Visitors: 2016
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Lawton, Alan, Valenzuela, Ernesto, Duffy, Michelle, Morgan, Damian, Joiner, Therese. Regional Development Australia (Gippsland); 2014. Developing a regional resilience monitor.
Hits: 4534
Visitors: 4398
Downloads: 153
Lawton, Alan, Valenzuela, Ernesto, Duffy, Michelle, Morgan, Damian. Regional Development Australia (Gippsland); 2014. The development of the Gippsland Economic Modelling Tool.
Hits: 7888
Visitors: 7444
Downloads: 135
Reeves, Jess, Morgan, Damian, Reimers, Vaughan, Green, Monica, Baumagartl, Thomas. ; 2022. Final mine void forms and future land and water uses:
Researching the community perspective..
Hits: 30
Visitors: 23
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Bhardwaj, Sneh, Morgan, Damian, Elms, Natalie. Emerald Publishing; 2024. Why women on corporate boards are more than just tokens : an Indian perspective.
Hits: 98
Visitors: 96
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Song-Turner, Helen, Morgan, Damian, Hinson, Robert, Adeola, Ogechi, Adisa, Isaiah. Springer International Publishing; 2021. Green leadership approaches and motivations for green practice implementation among marketing firms in China.