Ross, Catherine, Barton, Philip, McIntyre, Sue, Cunningham, Saul, Manning, Adrian. Blackwell Publishing; 2017. Fine-scale drivers of beetle diversity are affected by vegetation context and agricultural history.
Hits: 1023
Visitors: 1021
Downloads: 0
Gibb, Heloise, Retter, Bryony, Cunningham, Saul, Barton, Philip. Blackwell Publishing Inc.; 2017. Does wing morphology affect recolonization of restored farmland by ground-dwelling beetles?.
Hits: 1161
Visitors: 1137
Downloads: 0
Hunter, Malcolm, Westgate, Martin, Barton, Philip, Calhoun, Aram, Pierson, Jennifer. Elsevier B.V.; 2016. Two roles for ecological surrogacy : indicator surrogates and management surrogates.
Hits: 2902
Visitors: 3131
Downloads: 283
Barton, Philip, Evans, Maldwyn. Blackwell Publishing Ltd; 2017. Insect biodiversity meets ecosystem function : differential effects of habitat and insects on carrion decomposition.
Hits: 2108
Visitors: 2402
Downloads: 327
Dawson, Blake, Barton, Philip, Wallman, James. Elsevier Ireland Ltd; 2020. Contrasting insect activity and decomposition of pigs and humans in an Australian environment : a preliminary study.
Hits: 1435
Visitors: 1417
Downloads: 0
Lindenmayer, David, Wood, Jeff, MacGregor, Christopher, Foster, Claire, Barton, Philip. Elsevier Ltd; 2018. Conservation conundrums and the challenges of managing unexplained declines of multiple species.
Hits: 1662
Visitors: 1908
Downloads: 267
Ng, Katherine, Barton, Philip, Macfadyen, Sarina, Lindenmayer, David, Driscoll, Don. Springer Netherlands; 2018. Beetle’s responses to edges in fragmented landscapes are driven by adjacent farmland use, season and cross-habitat movement.
Hits: 1086
Visitors: 1066
Downloads: 0
Sato, Chloe, Westgate, Martin, Barton, Philip, Foster, Claire, O'Loughlin, Luke. Blackwell Publishing Ltd; 2019. The use and utility of surrogates in biodiversity monitoring programmes.
Hits: 1679
Visitors: 1754
Downloads: 90
Dawson, Blake, Wallman, James, Barton, Philip. Springer; 2022. How does mass loss compare with total body score when assessing decomposition of human and pig cadavers?.
Dawson, Blake, Wallman, James, Evans, Maldwyn, Barton, Philip. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH; 2022. Insect abundance patterns on vertebrate remains reveal carrion resource quality variation.
Hits: 976
Visitors: 1013
Downloads: 51
Ng, Katherine, Nowrouzi, Somayeh, Staunton, Kyran, Barton, Philip, Driscoll, Don. Elsevier; 2021. Ant community responses to farmland use and revegetation in a fragmented agricultural landscape.
Hits: 5050
Visitors: 5098
Downloads: 131
Evans, Maldwyn, Cunningham, Saul, Gibb, Heloise, Manning, Adrian, Barton, Philip. Elsevier B.V.; 2019. Beetle ecological indicators – A comparison of cost vs reward to understand functional changes in response to restoration actions.
Hits: 1177
Visitors: 1160
Downloads: 0
Pulsford, Stephanie, Driscoll, Don, Barton, Philip, Lindenmayer, David. Blackwell Publishing Ltd; 2017. Remnant vegetation, plantings and fences are beneficial for reptiles in agricultural landscapes.
Hits: 2692
Visitors: 2809
Downloads: 147
Dawson, Blake, Wallman, James, Evans, Maldwyn, Butterworth, Nathan, Barton, Philip. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH; 2022. Priority effects and density promote coexistence between the facultative predator Chrysomya rufifacies and its competitor Calliphora stygia.
Hits: 1259
Visitors: 1288
Downloads: 67
Ross, Catherine, Munro, Nicola, Barton, Philip, Evans, Maldwyn, Gillen, John. PeerJ Inc.; 2019. Effects of digging by a native and introduced ecosystem engineer on soil physical and chemical properties in temperate grassy woodland.
Hits: 1319
Visitors: 1403
Downloads: 113
Pierson, Jennifer, Mortelliti, Alessio, Barton, Philip, Lane, Peter, Lindenmayer, David. Elsevier B.V.; 2016. Evaluating the effectiveness of overstory cover as a surrogate for bird community diversity and population trends.
Hits: 1634
Visitors: 2198
Downloads: 577
Dawson, Blake, Barton, Philip, Wallman, James. John Wiley and Sons Inc; 2021. Field succession studies and casework can help to identify forensically useful Diptera.
Hits: 1140
Visitors: 1009
Downloads: 0
Barton, Philip, Evans, Maldwyn, Foster, Claire, Pechal, Jennifer, Bump, Joseph. Elsevier Ltd; 2019. Towards quantifying carrion biomass in ecosystems.
Hits: 3731
Visitors: 3955
Downloads: 250
Ng, Katherina, Driscoll, Don, MacFadyen, Sarina, Barton, Philip, McIntyre, Sue, Lindenmayer, David. Ecological Society of America; 2017. Contrasting beetle assemblage responses to cultivated farmlands and native woodlands in a dynamic agricultural landscape.
Hits: 1713
Visitors: 1795
Downloads: 114
Saunders, Manu, Barton, Philip, Bickerstaff, James, Frost, Lindsey, Umbers, Kate. Blackwell Publishing Ltd; 2021. Limited understanding of bushfire impacts on Australian invertebrates.
Hits: 2149
Visitors: 2018
Downloads: 0
Hamonts, Kelly, Bissett, Andrew, Macdonald, Ben, Barton, Philip, Manning, Adrian, Young, Andrew. Elsevier B.V.; 2017. Effects of ecological restoration on soil microbial diversity in a temperate grassy woodland.
Hits: 1358
Visitors: 1357
Downloads: 0
Stone, Rebecca, Bonat, Stefanie, Newsome, Thomas, Barton, Philip. Institute for Ionics; 2023. Responses of necrophilous beetles to animal mass mortality in the Australian Alps.
Hits: 601
Visitors: 602
Downloads: 13
Butterworth, Nathan, Benbow, M., Barton, Philip. John Wiley and Sons Inc; 2023. The ephemeral resource patch concept.
Hits: 570
Visitors: 585
Downloads: 28
Foster, Claire, O'Loughlin, Luke, Sato, Chloe, Westgate, Martin, Barton, Philip. Academic Press; 2019. How practitioners integrate decision triggers with existing metrics in conservation monitoring.
Hits: 1183
Visitors: 1307
Downloads: 139
Barton, Philip, Evans, Maldwyn, Pechal, Jennifer, Benbow, M. Eric. Entomological Society of America; 2017. Necrophilous insect dynamics at small vertebrate carrion in a temperate eucalypt woodland.
Hits: 999
Visitors: 967
Downloads: 0
Quaggiotto, Maria-Martina, Barton, Philip, Morris, Christopher, Moss, Simon, Pomeroy, Patrick. Elsevier B.V.; 2018. Seal carrion is a predictable resource for coastal ecosystems.
Hits: 768
Visitors: 766
Downloads: 142
Lindenmayer, David, Lane, Peter, Westgate, Martin, Scheele, Ben, Barton, Philip. Elsevier Ltd; 2018. Tests of predictions associated with temporal changes in Australian bird populations.
Hits: 1259
Visitors: 1425
Downloads: 189
Newsome, Thomas, Barton, Brandon, Buck, Julia, DeBruyn, Jennifer, Barton, Philip. John Wiley and Sons Ltd; 2021. Monitoring the dead as an ecosystem indicator.
Hits: 2039
Visitors: 2036
Downloads: 163
Foster, Claire, Barton, Philip, MacGregor, Christopher, Catford, Jane, Blanchard, Wade, Lindenmayer, David. Wiley-Blackwell; 2018. Effects of fire regime on plant species richness and composition differ among forest, woodland and heath vegetation.
Barton, Philip, Evans, Maldwyn, Foster, Claire, Cunningham, Saul, Manning, Adrian. Blackwell Publishing; 2017. Environmental and spatial drivers of spider diversity at contrasting microhabitats.
Hits: 1913
Visitors: 2024
Downloads: 126
Charabidze, Damien, Trumbo, Stephen, Grzywacz, Andrze, Costa, James, Barton, Philip. Oxford University Press; 2021. Convergence of social strategies in carrion breeding insects.
Hits: 1436
Visitors: 1331
Downloads: 0
Westgate, Martin, Barton, Philip, Lindenmayer, David, Andrew, Nigel. Blackwell Publishing; 2020. Quantifying shifts in topic popularity over 44 years of austral ecology.
Hits: 2804
Visitors: 2987
Downloads: 288
Ng, Katherina, Barton, Philip, Blanchard, Wade, Evans, Maldwyn, Lindenmayer, David. Springer Verlag; 2018. Disentangling the effects of farmland use, habitat edges, and vegetation structure on ground beetle morphological traits.
Hits: 1161
Visitors: 1233
Downloads: 88
Lindenmayer, David, Blanchard, Wade, Westgate, Martin, Foster, Claire, Barton, Philip. Ecological Society of America; 2019. Novel bird responses to successive, large-scale, landscape transformations.
Hits: 1058
Visitors: 1126
Downloads: 75
Ikin, Karen, Barton, Philip, Blanchard, Wade, Crane, Mason, Stein, John, Lindenmayer, David. Royal Society Publishing; 2019. Avian functional responses to landscape recovery.
Hits: 1595
Visitors: 1655
Downloads: 96
Barton, Philip, Evans, Maldwyn, Sato, Chloe, O'Loughlin, Luke, Foster, Claire. Elsevier B.V.; 2019. Higher-taxon and functional group responses of ant and bird assemblages to livestock grazing : a test of an explicit surrogate concept.
Hits: 2318
Visitors: 2452
Downloads: 154
Smith, Annabel, Kujala, Heini, Lahoz-Monfort, José, Guja, Lydia, Barton, Philip. John Wiley and Sons Inc; 2019. Managing uncertainty in movement knowledge for environmental decisions.
Hits: 1328
Visitors: 1338
Downloads: 55
Barton, Philip, Dawson, Blake, Barton, Andrew, Joshua, Sergio, Wallman, James. Elsevier Ireland Ltd; 2021. Temperature dynamics in different body regions of decomposing vertebrate remains.
Hits: 1701
Visitors: 1802
Downloads: 200
Andrew, Nigel, Evans, Maldwyn, Svejcar, Lauren, Prendegast, Kit, Barton, Philip. John Wiley and Sons Inc; 2022. What's hot and what's not – Identifying publication trends in insect ecology.
Andrewartha, Tim, Evans, Maldwyn, Batson, William, Manning, Adrian, Barton, Philip. Blackwell Publishing Inc.; 2021. Outfoxing the fox : effect of prey odor on fox behavior in a pastoral landscape.
Hits: 1135
Visitors: 1167
Downloads: 102
Evans, Maldwyn, Barton, Philip, Westgate, Martin, Soga, Masashi, Fujita, Go, Miyashita, Tadashi. John Wiley and Sons Inc; 2021. Ecological processes associated with different animal taxa in urban environments.
Hits: 2634
Visitors: 2676
Downloads: 173
Benbow, M., Barton, Philip, Ulyshen, Michael, Beasley, James, DeVault, Travis. Ecological Society of America; 2019. Necrobiome framework for bridging decomposition ecology of autotrophically and heterotrophically derived organic matter.
Hits: 2053
Visitors: 2092
Downloads: 88
Westgate, Martin, Tulloch, Ayesha, Barton, Philip, Pierson, Jennifer, Lindenmayer, David. Blackwell Publishing Ltd; 2017. Optimal taxonomic groups for biodiversity assessment: a meta-analytic approach.
Hits: 608
Visitors: 802
Downloads: 211
Evans, Maldwyn, Banks, Sam, Barton, Philip, Davies, Kendi, Driscoll, Don. Blackwell Publishing Ltd; 2018. A long-term habitat fragmentation experiment leads to morphological change in a species of carabid beetle.
Hits: 1599
Visitors: 1644
Downloads: 125
Yong, Ding, Barton, Philip, Ikin, Karen, Evans, Maldwyn, Crane, Mason. Elsevier Ltd; 2018. Cross-taxonomic surrogates for biodiversity conservation in human-modified landscapes – A multi-taxa approach.
Hits: 1503
Visitors: 1684
Downloads: 195
Yong, Ding, Barton, Philip, Okada, Sachiko, Crane, Mason, Lindenmayer, David. Elsevier B.V.; 2016. Birds as surrogates for mammals and reptiles: Are patterns of cross-taxonomic associations stable over time in a human-modified landscape?.
Hits: 1997
Visitors: 2139
Downloads: 154
Pulsford, Stephanie, Barton, Philip, Driscoll, Don, Lindenmayer, David. Elsevier B.V.; 2019. Interactive effects of land use, grazing and environment on frogs in an agricultural landscape.
Hits: 1225
Visitors: 1218
Downloads: 0
Spencer, Emma, Barton, Philip, Ripple, William, Newsome, Thomas. Elsevier Inc.; 2020. Invasive European wasps alter scavenging dynamics around carrion.
Hits: 412
Visitors: 388
Downloads: 0
Barton, Philip, Reboldi, Anna, Dawson, Blake, Ueland, Maiken, Strong, Craig, Wallman, James. Springer; 2020. Soil chemical markers distinguishing human and pig decomposition islands : a preliminary study.
Hits: 3344
Visitors: 3595
Downloads: 342
Yong, Ding, Barton, Philip, Okada, Sachiko, Crane, Mason, Cunningham, Saul, Lindenmayer, David. Elsevier B.V.; 2020. Conserving focal insect groups in woodland remnants : the role of landscape context and habitat structure on cross-taxonomic congruence.
Hits: 1312
Visitors: 1382
Downloads: 80
Lindenmayer, David, Candy, Steven, MacGregor, Christopher, Banks, Sam, Barton, Philip. Ecological Society of America; 2016. Do temporal changes in vegetation structure additional to time since fire predict changes in bird occurrence?.
Hits: 2085
Visitors: 2186
Downloads: 144
Pulsford, Stephanie, Barton, Philip, Driscoll, Don, Kay, Geoffrey, Lindenmayer, David. Blackwell Publishing; 2018. Reptiles and frogs use most land cover types as habitat in a fine-grained agricultural landscape.
Hits: 1315
Visitors: 1307
Downloads: 0
Brown, Julian, Barton, Philip, Cunningham, Saul. Academic Press Inc.; 2021. How bioregional history could shape the future of agriculture.
Foster, Claire, Sato, Chloe, Lindenmayer, David, Barton, Philip. Blackwell Publishing Ltd; 2016. Integrating theory into disturbance interaction experiments to better inform ecosystem management.
Hits: 1311
Visitors: 1450
Downloads: 150
Barton, Philip, Strong, Craig, Evans, Maldwyn, Higgins, Andrew, Quaggiotto, Maria. Elsevier Inc.; 2019. Nutrient and moisture transfer to insect consumers and soil during vertebrate decomposition.
Hits: 497
Visitors: 490
Downloads: 0
Ng, Katherina, McIntyre, Sue, Macfadyen, Sarina, Barton, Philip, Driscoll, Don, Lindenmayer, David. Springer Netherlands; 2018. Dynamic effects of ground-layer plant communities on beetles in a fragmented farming landscape.
Hits: 1174
Visitors: 1264
Downloads: 110
Kay, Geoffrey, Tulloch, Ayesha, Barton, Philip, Cunningham, Saul, Driscoll, Don, Lindenmayer, David. Blackwell Publishing Ltd; 2018. Species co-occurrence networks show reptile community reorganization under agricultural transformation.
Hits: 1231
Visitors: 1374
Downloads: 154
Barton, Philip, McIntyre, Sue, Evans, Maldwyn, Bump, Joseph, Cunningham, Saul, Manning, Adrian. Ecological Society of America; 2016. Substantial long-term effects of carcass addition on soil and plants in a grassy eucalypt woodland.
Hits: 3002
Visitors: 3074
Downloads: 100
Kay, Geoffrey, Mortelliti, Alessio, Tulloch, Ayesha, Barton, Philip, Florance, Daniel. Blackwell Publishing Inc.; 2017. Effects of past and present livestock grazing on herpetofauna in a landscape-scale experiment.
Hits: 2044
Visitors: 2041
Downloads: 0
Lindenmayer, David, Blanchard, Wade, MacGregor, Christopher, Barton, Philip, Banks, Sam. Ecological Society of America; 2016. Temporal trends in mammal responses to fire reveals the complex effects of fire regime attributes.
Hits: 1564
Visitors: 1707
Downloads: 192
Barton, Philip, Reboldi, Anna, Bonat, Stefanie, Mateo-Tomás, Patricia, Newsome, Thomas. ; 2023. Climate-driven animal mass mortality events : is there a role for scavengers?.
Hits: 1827
Visitors: 1761
Downloads: 0
Eldridge, Davied, Travers, Samantha, Manning, Adrian, Barton, Philip. Cambridge University Press; 2017. Direct and indirect effects of herbivore activity on Australian vegetation.
Hits: 232
Visitors: 213
Downloads: 2
Quaggiotto, Maria, Evans, Maldwyn, Higgins, Andrew, Strong, Craig, Barton, Philip. Springer International Publishing; 2019. Dynamic soil nutrient and moisture changes under decomposing vertebrate carcasses.
Hits: 1209
Visitors: 1205
Downloads: 0
Dawson, Blake, Wallman, James, Evans, Maldwyn, Barton, Philip. England; 2021. Is resource change a useful predictor of carrion insect succession on pigs and humans?.
Hits: 1500
Visitors: 1422
Downloads: 11
Vandersteen, James, Fust, Christopher, Crowther, Mathew, Smith, Matt, Viola, Benjamin, Barton, Philip, Newsome, Thomas. CSIRO; 2023. Carcass use by mesoscavengers drives seasonal shifts in Australian alpine scavenging dynamics.
Hits: 594
Visitors: 591
Downloads: 23
McIntyre, Donna, Dawson, Blake, Long, Benjamin, Barton, Philip. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH; 2024. A review of multi-disciplinary decomposition research and key drivers of variation in decay.
Hits: 112
Visitors: 83
Downloads: 6
Kay, Geoffrey, Barton, Philip, Driscoll, Don, Cunningham, Saul, Blanchard, Wade. Blackwell Publishing Ltd; 2016. Incorporating regional-scale ecological knowledge to improve the effectiveness of large-scale conservation programmes.
Foster, Claire, Barton, Philip, Sato, Chloe, Wood, Jeff, MacGregor, Christopher, Lindenmayer, David. Blackwell Publishing Ltd; 2016. Herbivory and fire interact to affect forest understory habitat, but not its use by small vertebrates.
Hits: 2305
Visitors: 2479
Downloads: 208
Barton, Philip, Evans, Maldwyn, Lewis, Jon. John Wiley and Sons Inc; 2024. Microhabitats shape ant community structure in a spatially heterogeneous grassy woodland.
Hits: 419
Visitors: 412
Downloads: 11
Cairncross, Rhys, Barton, Philip, Bonat, Stefanie, Crowther, Mathew, Dickman, Christopher, Vandersteen, James, Newsome, Thomas. Elsevier Inc.; 2022. The predatory impacts of invasive European wasps on flies are facilitated by carcasses with open wounds.
Dawson, Blake, Ueland, Maiken, Carter, David, McLntyre, Donna, Barton, Philip. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH; 2024. Bridging the gap between decomposition theory and forensic research on postmortem interval.
Hits: 1776
Visitors: 1662
Downloads: 38
Barton, Philip, Sato, Chloe, Kay, Geoffrey, Florance, Daniel, Lindenmayer, David. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd; 2016. Effects of environmental variation and livestock grazing on ant community structure in temperate eucalypt woodlands.
Hits: 4966
Visitors: 5066
Downloads: 116
Foster, Claire, Barton, Philip, Robinson, Natasha, MacGregor, Christopher, Lindenmayer, David. Ecological Society of America; 2017. Effects of a large wildfire on vegetation structure in a variable fire mosaic.