Abbott, Mathew, Watkin, Christopher. Edinburgh University Press; 2014. The figure of this world : Agamben and the question of political ontology.
Hits: 2595
Visitors: 2458
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Abbott, Mathew. Kiarostami's picture theory : Cinematic skepticism in the Wind Will Carry Us. 2013.
Hits: 1338
Visitors: 1224
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Abbott, Mathew. Berghahn Books; 2021. Grey gardens and the problem of objectivity : notes on the ethics of observational documentary.
Hits: 542
Visitors: 522
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Abbott, Mathew. Routledge; 2018. Modernism and the discovery of finitude.
Hits: 415
Visitors: 397
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Abbott, Mathew. Routledge; an imprint of Taylor & Francis; 2011. The animal for which animality is an issue : Nietzsche, agamben, and the anthropological machine.
Hits: 1789
Visitors: 1687
Downloads: 1
Abbott, Mathew. Open Humantites Press; 2011. On not loving everyone : Comments on Jean-Luc Nancy’s “L’amour en éclats [Shattered Love]”.
Hits: 1365
Visitors: 1409
Downloads: 132
Abbott, Mathew. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press; 2017. The look of silence and the problem of monstrosity.
Hits: 1591
Visitors: 1612
Downloads: 87
Abbott, Mathew. Open Humanities Press; 2012. No life is bare, the ordinary is exceptional : Giorgio Agamben and the question of political ontology.
Hits: 1223
Visitors: 1276
Downloads: 152
Abbott, Mathew. Taylor and Francis Inc.; 2017. The creature before the law.
Hits: 477
Visitors: 456
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Abbott, Mathew. Bloomsbury Academic; 2020. On film in reality, cavelliam reflections on skepticism, belief, and documentation.
Hits: 420
Visitors: 400
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Abbott, Mathew. Penn State University Press; 2021. Animality, self-consciousness, and the human form of life a hegelian account.
Hits: 976
Visitors: 1063
Downloads: 119
Abbott, Mathew. Edinburgh University Press Ltd; 2017. Abbas Kiarostami and Film-Philosophy.
Hits: 1201
Visitors: 1117
Downloads: 2
Abbott, Mathew. Monash University; 2008. The creature before the law: Notes on Walter Benjamin's critique of violence.
Hits: 1690
Visitors: 1742
Downloads: 149
Abbott, Mathew. Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group; 2018. Michael Fried and philosophy : Modernism, intention, and theatricality.
Hits: 2683
Visitors: 2575
Downloads: 1
Abbott, Mathew. ; 2020. Recognising human action.
Hits: 346
Visitors: 375
Downloads: 52
Abbott, Mathew. Berghahn Books; 2019. Grey gardens and the problem of objectivity : Notes on the ethics of observational documentary.
Hits: 1332
Visitors: 1235
Downloads: 0
Abbott, Mathew. Cambridge Scholars; 2012. The Myth of the Earth: Heidegger, Poetry, Politics.
Hits: 484
Visitors: 468
Downloads: 1
Abbott, Mathew. Taylor and Francis Inc.; 2017. No life is bare, the ordinary is exceptional : Giorgio Agamben and the question of political ontology.
Hits: 456
Visitors: 438
Downloads: 0
Abbott, Mathew. ; 2013. The appearance of appearance: Absolute truth in Abbas Kiarrostami's ABC Africa.
Hits: 838
Visitors: 805
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Abbott, Mathew. Critical Animals; 2013. New Quarrels: Innovative poetry and the philosophical horizon.
Hits: 662
Visitors: 653
Downloads: 1
Abbott, Mathew. Edinburgh University Press; 2016. Glory, spectacle and inoperativity : Agamben's praxis of theoria.
Hits: 1118
Visitors: 1073
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Abbott, Mathew. Routledge; 2010. The poetic experience of the world.
Hits: 1007
Visitors: 947
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Abbott, Mathew. Edinburgh University Press; 2024. Display in human art and the aesthetic lives of animals : on the limits of evolutionary aesthetics.
Hits: 30
Visitors: 28
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Abbott, Mathew. University of Wisconsin Press; 2016. The problem of wild minds : Knowing animals in grizzly man and ming of harlem.
Hits: 1138
Visitors: 1095
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Abbott, Mathew. SAGE Publications Ltd; 2024. Nature, significance, and the human perspective : refusing the choice between scientism and posthumanism.